Aries Diamonds…


Today I want to tell you about a fascinating tale of greed, fate, and potentially a curse, all linked to a diamond.

Born in Aries

If you are born under the Sun zodiac sign of Aries diamonds are one of your lucky precious stones. However, even the most impulsive Ram might be cautious around the incongruously named but ravishingly beautiful blue Hope Diamond.

Blue Hope Diamond

Legend has it that this beautiful gem is cursed. It is said that the stone was discovered in India by a man called Tavernier who stole it from the forehead of a statue sacred to Sita.

Tavernier sold the diamond to Louis XIV of France, but he did not profit from his ill-gotten wealth as he was ultimately torn apart by a pack of dogs in Russia – obviously not a current day oil or gas Oligarch!

Louis XIV did not seem to suffer from owning the gem having a largely settled and long lasting reign and nor did his son but events took a turn for the worse when it reached his grandson; Louis XVI who was beheaded during the French Revolution. The diamond was then placed in the Garde-Meuble Museum, Paris, France from where it was subsequently stolen.

It resurfaced in the ownership of Henry Philip Hope in 1839, part of a wealthy Anglo-Dutch family, staying with them until Francis Hope sold it to cover extensive gambling debts. Eventually it became the property of American socialite Evalyn Walsh McLean in 1910 whose son and daughter died tragically and whose husband suffered from insanity!

The diamond was then acquired by New York diamond dealer Harry Winston, who in 1958 donated it to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC, USA, where it remains to this day.

Umm, you might consider skipping this exhibit if you ever visit, Aries or otherwise!

Zodiac Birthstones

Why not check more about the precious and semi precious stones that affect your personal zodiac sign?

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Post Author: Patrick Arundell

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