Astrology Overview for WC 21st March 2016

Hello, I’m Astrologer Patrick Arundell, and here is your Astrology Overview for WC 21st March. The week begins with Mercury moving into Aries to join up with the Sun. These two are going to be relatively close all week and this is going to create a sense of renewal, revival and refreshment. Of course, last week came to a close with the Spring Equinox, and this combination can help to reinvigorate our desire for new beginnings and bright ideas. Then again, it’s also an ideal opportunity to revitalise any ongoing strand which are important to us.

Furthermore, the Sun and Mercury are going to combine with the ruler of Aries Mars, which is becoming established in the go-getting and adventurous vibe of Sagittarius. This combination is further going to add to a sense of momentum, and the spark to get things done. With the clustering of energy that has been so prevalent in Pisces of late, this can be a welcome change of emphasis.

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Wednesday, however, does see the Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Libra. This pairs up with Mars too, suggesting not that not only should we take the initiative and get on the front foot, but that we should also stay conscious of our interactions with others, and the quality of our relationships. With the Solar Eclipse of March 9th also tying into this Lunar Eclipse, our sensitivity to others can be enhanced significantly.

The last half of this week also sees Venus, located still in Pisces in an opposition with Jupiter. This can be a wonderful aspect to be more generous, and caring towards others’, although perhaps we should balance our own needs so that we do not over-give and therefore maintain sensible boundaries.

Finally on Friday, Saturn also located in Sagittarius, goes into retrograde that will last through to 12th August. This happens each year, but this particular retrograde asks us to be mindful of how we absorb information and process any knowledge based issues, and facts really need to be precisely that in the months to come otherwise the more exacting energies of Saturn will start to impinge on our circumstances. For more on your personal Zodiac Sign, please watch my FREE video for this week or visit my site.

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Post Author: Patrick Arundell