Astrology Overview for WC 25th July 2016

The week begins with Mercury, angling up magnificently to the changeable energies of Uranus. This aspect goes on until Thursday and it’s a fab opportunity to add greater zest and verve to the way we think about things or communicate our ideas. If you are someone who relishes spontaneity, this influence is also going to really help. It would not be a surprise of some people had a lightbulb moment through this period of time. These brainwaves, if they are taken seriously, can be converted to something really imaginative and lasting. Then again, they could just be the opportunity to do something completely different, even random.

Tuesday however, sees a Quarter Moon in the sign of Taurus . The 2nd/5th House axis’s activated by this suggests we should be cautious about being overly generous with finance to anyone close, or splashing out on luxury items which are more discretionary rather than absolutely necessary. This will provide a backdrop for the rest of the week.

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Thursday and Friday however, sees Mercury clash with Mars. Although this is only a quick influence it’s one which can see people being a bit more jagged in the way they express a point of view. With both Mercury and Mars at this stage in fixed signs, is going to be important not to take entrenched positions, and retain a degree of flexibility and lightness in our approach.

Ironically on Friday Uranus goes into retrograde, for 5 1/2 months. This asks us to examine the balance between our dependence and independence around all key relationships during that period of time. Yet Venus comes into forge its own wonderful alliance with Uranus towards the back end of this week, and if your love life has become rather too predictable and samey, the encouragement here is to take a walk on the wild side, move out of your comfort zone and try to revitalise this key part of life. Someone new and rather challenging but exciting may also enter your orbit.

Finally on Sunday, Mercury returns to Virgo , one of the two signs that it guides. This homecoming is going to be particularly welcome. Why? Well it will help us to add greater structure and detail to any more creative strands that we generated as Mercury’s move through the exuberant sign of Leo and has combines earlier this week with Uranus, and before that with Venus. Yes it is a little bit more workaday here, but encourages us to look out for those finer points that are so important in making the bigger picture all come together as we wish.

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Post Author: Patrick Arundell