Astrology Overview June 2016

You might say the month of June is the gateway to summertime, as going out prioritises staying in. However, this month it has other connotations. For, last month may have featured the Eurovision song contest, but it seems this month sees a different kind of euro vision contest, with the imminent Euro referendum vote and Euro 2016 kicking off. While, across the pond, U.S electoral candidate selection is nearing completion, as big ‘bucks fizz’-le away on campaigning, so this June is most definitely ‘making your mind up’ time!

However, this may prove tricky as the month gets underway, as far from a clear euro vision, most are experiencing more double vision. For this June it is difficult to make your mind up when you are quite literally in two minds, due to the conflicting influence of dual Sign, Gemini. With the start of June seeing the Sun and Venus both occupying this twin Sign, bringing plenty of hustle and bustle, but this two-way traffic and double talk not really seeming to get anywhere, somewhat muted by challenging Mutable Planets.

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Although, on a positive note, it is often said that ‘two heads are better than one’! Well, in the case of Air Sign, Gemini, this does seem to be true, as at a deeper level these symbolic twins reflect the mind’s bipolarity, bringing together both sides of the brain to create rational thought processes. However, the downside of this is that the Sign of Gemini is quick to be swayed by the next convincing argument that comes along, so much so that at times far from just the hand, the entire right twin does not know what the left is doing, making reaching agreement fraught to say the least.

This month other planetary movements further enforce this feeling, as free-spirited Air Sign Gemini favours flight, but is forced to fight this month, grounded by heavyweight restrictions from all sides. As this Sign finds itself more a co-joined twin, constricted by other Mutable Planets from June’s take off. So far from rising to another intellectual plane, this Sign feels more in a black box in early June, due to all Mutable Signs forming an unforgiving square formation.

This you could say climbing to a climatic level as June begins with Piscean Neptune vying against the karmic Virgo Moon’s Node critical degree, inflated further by Virgo Jupiter and Saturn retrograding in Sagittarius. So unresolved foreign issues of fair distribution, legality and morality are once again revisited, no doubt in light of more migrant lives lost capsized at sea. While, this arc of activity could benefit from an arc, as turbulent and erratic weather conditions occur, transportation disasters and uncontained elements. Whether in the form of floods, spillages, poisonings or contaminations, as the Zika virus remains a pressing concern ahead of the Olympics. So it certainly seems a case of quite literally ‘weathering the storm’!

However, as the month advances, there is little reprieve as Piscean Neptune retrogrades from the 14th, further blurring our surroundings. This particularly heightened by everyday Mercury having entered Gemini the previous day. This combination makes distinguishing between the real and imaginary problematic, from perceived threats, thefts and deception to just plain gossip and rumours. While, not unsurprisingly, with the ‘brexit’ vote looming, Gemini, the Sign of neighbouring countries is centre-stage this month, but it is proving hard to gain a handle on how to proceed, especially with the 5th’s Gemini New Moon, not only highlighting adaptability, but also indecision.

Whilst, Mercury’s transition from Taurus to Gemini favours mind over matter now, as practical matters take more of a backseat, breaking up the troubling aspect of Taurus Mercury opposing a retrograde Scorpio Mars. As previous tensions between personal and shared wealth and abuses of power are superseded by more theoretical fears, as well as mulling finer details over. However, before the final vote, it seems emotional ties take priority over other binding agreements. As from the 18th, twin Sign Gemini dips its toes into the water, as Venus advances into watery Cancer, closely followed by the Sun on the 21st. This change you might say brings with it a ‘nip in the air’, with the crab representing the Sign of Cancer. As well as shifting the focus to home, nurturing and family values. Although, it is not much easier to calculate future movements with Cancer in command, as like its counterpart the crab, objectives are reached via a sideways motion and motivations hidden beneath its shell. Whilst, governed by the Moon instils the Sign of Cancer with a changeable nature, moving from one side to another.

Put simply then, this month, this crab could be truly ‘stuck between a rock and a hard place’, especially in terms of voting to exit Europe. For Cancers do not like to be uprooted, but scuttle away from being cornered too. Although, positively, a stagnant Capricorn Pluto and Uranus Aries remaining at a distance means this water Sign does not need to display its pincers this month. Instead, it can rely on the ruling Moon’s instinctual influence, linked to the public consciousness, making general thinking in sync, especially regarding a United Kingdom.

This reinforced by the 5th’s New Moon in Gemini, as it aspects London and Canada, along with advancing daily living in France, but not Russia or Egyptian relations and brings shocks to the U.S. This supported by the 20th’s Sagittarian Full Moon, pinpointing New York and the borough of Manhattan, as partnerships are highlighted, perhaps with surprise election running mates or a possibility of unknown attacks. Whilst the Israel/Palestine relationship looks likely to improve, Cuba, Afghanistan and Japan see fewer benefits. With Australia, Rome and the Vatican activated in varying ways by this Moon’s activity and all month, Sri Lanka, Tonga, Iceland, Somalia and the Seychelles hitting the headlines, along with Zaire, Argentina and Turkey.

So, this year the sixth month is rather like the Earth’s equator, an imaginary halfway point running through it. Well, this June, like the equator, things certainly seem to be heating up. With the first half of the month seeing double figures in the Sign of Gemini, while the second half is not so much the tropic, but topic of Cancer, as we map future progress!

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Post Author: Patrick Arundell