Astrology Overview November 2014

The chime of midnight sees Halloween transform into November, like Cinderella’s coach into a pumpkin, as this year nears its close. However, before 2014 smoulders out completely, make sure ‘no embers’ still cinder away in November!

For this November, the month of fireworks, displays some blazing events, ignited by last month’s New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. As considerable effects are felt long after the Sun’s light has been turned back on. Meanwhile, we are not in the dark as to the message this Eclipse spells out. As like a sparkler writing in the night sky, matters governed by the Zodiac Sign of Scorpio will continue to be lit up this November, modified by Venus’s close aspect last month.

So you could say green shines prominent, as Venus keeps money remaining a chief concern. While the eighth Sign of Scorpio means these pieces of eight are mostly of a collective nature, as Scorpio governs shared resources. A theme accentuated by the Moon’s presence, symbolising the masses. So anything from pension funds and taxes to insurances and payday loans are likely to undergo alteration. These seeming unavoidable, due to this month seeing an overemphasis of Planets in stinging Scorpio.

As the Sun, Venus and Saturn begin the month residing in scrutinising Scorpio, joined by detailed Mercury from the 9th. So this Scorpio has scores to settle, before this ring leader leaves Saturn’s restrictive rings. For November features Saturn in the final throws of Scorpio, before leaping into Sagittarius next month. However, these finishing degrees seem to have increased in heat, as Scorpio’s gang of Planets apply added pressure to execute any permanent changes, before judicial Saturn in Sagittarius sets these into stone. This month’s Moon activity reinforcing this, with the 6th’s finalising Full Moon in Taurus associated with business, finance and exchange or bartering, bringing some closure to issues over joint funds in the UK particularly. Continued from this, the 22nd’s New Moon in Sagittarius marks new enterprise opportunities. So it seems fiscal matters, as in the area of public payments, are looking more promising, much aided by Venus’s positive and cooperative influence.

However, this is not to say November will be without its twists, as much like Dickens’s Oliver, pleasure seeking Venus always wants more, possessing a taste for the finer things in life. So the first few days of November may be gruelling, with Cardinal Planets at odds with the achieving North Node and everyday Mercury’s placement in reasonable Libra, as it attempts to allocate fair portions to all. This stirs up annoyance, especially amongst authority figures and the older generation, due to Mars and Pluto’s placement in mature Capricorn. As there are feelings in many quarters that those who have worked hard and saved are suffering at the expense of those who have not. Perhaps due to another backward thinking surprise initiative, under retrograde Uranus in Aries.

Although, Mars is exalted in the Sign of Capricorn, remaining there all month, giving the necessary determination to form workable deals concerning pensions and investments. However, this creates something of a see-saw effect, as giving to one sector, takes from another. As Scorpio Saturn still opposing Leo Jupiter all month sees prospects for the young further lowered. This aspect not only generates difficulties concerning material opportunities, but also the balance of relationships, reinforced by the previous ecliptic activity involving Venus and Scorpio.

For Venus and Scorpio together not only highlight the aspect of shared finances, but also relationships. However, Venus, more in terms of creating social harmony, whether through marriage, cohesion among diverse groups or just shared leisure time. While Scorpio links more to the physical act of sharing, through desire and sexual relationships. Although, what they are both united by is the need for change, with last month’s eclipse signalling preparation has begun for this new cycle. So much like a grimy washing load, November sees us reaching a spin cycle. As transformative Pluto ruled Scorpio attempts to turn things around now by addressing previous abuse and misuse of power in relation to sexual relationships. However, these ecliptic movements may also bring more dirty laundry to light, regarding sexual exploits in the media. As further revelations concerning children and abuse and those in the limelight seem likely, due to the continued Saturn/Jupiter aspect.

Positively though, Neptune at home in Pisces aids in addressing difficult issues such as these, making valuable aspects to Scorpio Planets. It remains at a critical degree all month, stressing the plight of the vulnerable and suffering. Although, until the 15th it is still in retrograde mode, dealing with unresolved concerns, as the Ebola outbreak persists. However, from the 16th the epidemic’s real scale becomes clearer, as

Neptune resumes direct motion, bringing greater clarity to areas of previous confusion. Around this time, Planets then begin to progress into Sagittarius, starting with Venus from the 17th, the Sun and accompanying New Moon following, ending with Mercury. So attention is literally squarely focussed on foreign affairs and easing regions of upheaval, with foreign migration an unrelenting anxiety. Though, peace talks and legislating prove tricky, as Neptune challenging Sagittarian Planets obscures all the facts. Therefore, under gambling Sagittarius chance decisions seem unadvisable, instead favouring the well-judged Planetary ruling energy Pisces and Sagittarius share.

As the 22nd’s Sagittarian New Moon promotes a quest for knowledge, as Astronomy, NASA and the Roswell site is prominent this month. While France sees significant everyday changes as do North Korea, New York experiences those of a sudden nature, affecting finances. Russia feels further unrest, as do Croatia, Morocco, Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras and perhaps violent demonstrations in Pakistan. Iceland and Thailand are also affected, bad weather seeming probable. Meanwhile, confusion reigns in Afghanistan as troops and NATO leave, linked perhaps to the Full Moon signifying anger towards the White House. This Moon disrupts Canada further and Cuba, less negatively concerning the Vatican, Australia, Japan, Israel and Iran. As well as associating to survival in foreign lands, injury and disease. So often in broadcasts, final decisions are reached ‘in the eleventh hour’,but this November it seems resolutions are sought ‘in the eleventh month’!

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Post Author: Patrick Arundell