Astrology Overview November 2016

Halloween may be over and the clocks turned back, but as we go into November, there is ‘no’ putting some skeletons back in the closet or rewinding the hands of time on decisions already made. So you could say rather than ‘no’, this month is more of a ‘Know-vember’!

As this month, why consult a fortune teller to know what the future holds, when you are sitting in a circle! With the Sun and Mercury beginning the month in Scorpio, the Sign associated with a creature encircled by fire. As this jointed tailed Sign is something of a ‘fortune tail-er’ as this month gets underway, making joint finances, shared ventures, taxes and pension funds a primary concern. Therefore, as ‘Brexit’ negotiations continue, financial repercussions remain a foremost consideration, preventing the UK from being prematurely ‘tricked into treaty’ triggering. While, as the US election reaches the tail-end, candidates may find this is where the stinger lies, as extra reserves maybe necessary to make it to the finish line, not only fiscally but physically too, as each ward off devious attacks.

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So, October may have been more ‘shock or rock-tober’, as tectonic plates shook the Earth, clowns terrorised the streets and scandals rocked the UK Independence Party and American presidential race. Well, in Halloween’s wake though, November has its own fireworks, with Planets congregated in this scorpion Sign, especially as the month opens on critical degrees. Although, not a Fire Sign, this Water Sign is however, believed to be originally ruled by fiery Planet, Mars and then latter discovered delving Pluto. Perhaps, going some way to explain how this Sign has the potential to soar to great heights like its symbolic eagle or sink to the depths of despair. As this Sign can not only pull others down, but ultimately themselves too, as cornered this self-destructive Scorpion would rather sting itself to death. So, although secretive Scorpio keeps its cards close to its chest, it seems this month, the choice still exists to ‘play those cards right’ and go higher rather than lower.

A sentiment carried over from last month’s Scorpio New Moon and a strategy Clinton is embracing to ‘Top Trump’s’ in the last leg of this closely run election. As the new season of what some might term an ‘American Horror Story’ is broadcasted. Although, ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’ might be more apt, as both candidates still appear on rocky ground. As the US electorate decide whether to ‘take a jump to the left or a step to the right’, but run the risk of a ‘time warp’ if anti-progressive ideas win out. Although, Trump’s approach could be termed a ‘frank converter’, as he gains support from those harbouring anti-establishment feelings.

This climate especially riled up, as the Scorpio ruling planets of Mars and Pluto both co-join in institutional Capricorn until the 8th, coinciding with Election Day. For in general this combination unearths deep-rooted anger towards those sitting in big buildings of power and authority. While, conflicting Cardinal Planets only ignite further tensions, as a retrograde Aries Uranus quite literally creates ‘electric shocks’, revealing covered up past mistakes, with opposing legal and fair Jupiter in Libra challenging findings. A little reprieve may come as Venus moves into Capricorn from the 12th, easing matters slightly, but authoritative and monetary anxieties will still ensue all month, with the 14th’s Taurus Full Moon going some way to finalising personal finances.

Though, the spotlight does alter from the pillars to society itself from the 9th onwards, as Mars exits structural Capricorn to communal Aquarius. However, this may only seem to cause more widespread upheaval as sexual and humanitarian issues particularly arise, at odds with the Sun and Mercury’s placement in Scorpio. Whilst, not boding well regarding the response to the American Election outcome.

For Election Day results show the Sun and Moon in square aspect, followed by that transition of Mars into Aquarius the following day, suggesting the resulting scenario is not as promising and universally favourable as hoped. As a quite literally charged atmosphere occurs out of an abundance of martial energy fused with explosive Aquarius. However, this is more ‘negative’ than ‘positive’, as you could say this ‘electric’ aspect highlights a failure to connect to ‘the current and mains’ of the electorate. While beyond this, the planetary formation can not only spark volatile personal and State reactions, but anything from electrical faults to lightning storms. So it seems to be all about fixtures not fitting, as these Fixed Signs clash.

Although some clarity is in sight, as Neptune turns direct this November, as the previous retrograde station left the bigger picture unclear. However, from the 20th, like moving an aerial in the sky we are no longer receiving a fuzzy image. Although, this month, there is definitely the sense that some may not quite like what they are now watching!

As this high definition of sensitive Pisces tuning into spiritual Neptune’s energy maybe too close for comfort now, exposing not only deceptions, but also mistreatment and suffering. Although, the North Node still opposing in duty bound Virgo all month, provides the opportunity to ‘channel change’ where possible, instead of changing channels and ignoring the plight of others. This particularly applying to those in vulnerable situations through illness or Mother Nature’s handiwork to racial tensions and war torn countries, as like nomads, Venus, Mercury and the Sun take their turn one by one travelling through the foreign Sign of Sagittarius throughout November.

Each meeting ‘remote control’ in the form of Saturn in Sagittarius this month, as it is programmed to instil taking collective responsibility. A message further reinforced, when the 29th brings a New Moon in Sagittarius and the taking of action made even more pressing by Saturn simultaneously reaching a critical point now too. So stricter controls maybe applied to migrant’s movements, but there may also be an advantageous resettlement process to alleviate countries overwhelmed. As Germany, Poland, Hungry and Liechtenstein are starred this month, along with Estonia, Russia, Cuba, Mexico and Guatemala. As New Zealand, Ghana, Peru and Egypt are emphasised too. So, November may be the month of ‘Guy Fawkes’, but to maintain a harmonious ambience, this month requires a ‘Nep-tuning’ fork!

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Post Author: Patrick Arundell