Astrology Overview WC 28th April

The week begins with the Sun and Mercury continuing in the sign of Taurus. Indeed from Monday through to midweek Mercury is forging a penetrating link to Pluto. This can help us to really delve down into what is truly crucial in situations, and disregard what is not.

Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse, links to Neptune. I think it’s possible that stocks and shares link to water products, innovation, renewables, healthcare, and caring will all do well in the following six months. In our own situation balancing practicality with imagination is going to be important in juggling finances.

From mid-week the Sun forges an alliance with Pluto. This is Trine is perfect for driving through key changes. That’s true that Taurus is a sign that doesn’t necessarily welcome change in the way that some signs to because of its fixed quality tendency to stick with what it knows to some change may come from outside, but flexibility around base structures can be a good mix, so look to achieve this too.

The first half of the week sees the grand Cardinal Cross continuing to dominate, yet because Mars is rewinding, from Thursday it will be the T-square which is been so to the fore all year which is predominant.

The chances are therefore that the first half of the week could be feistier than the second half of the week. No restrictions can come in the last few days as Mercury goes face-to-face with the limiting energies of Saturn.

Friday sees Venus travel into Aries. The love planet in this sign will help us to be more proactive in seeking satisfaction in relationships. Very often people with a natal Venus in Aries, will take the first move in love situations in order to initiate outcomes. Look to add some extra spice to your closest tie. For the full inside track, please watch the FREE video or visit my site…


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Post Author: Patrick Arundell