Weekly Video Horoscopes from 2nd July

Weekly Video Horoscopes from 2nd July are now live. Find out why the start of July can be one of the most complex and intense of times, yet this week and month do have some superb opportunities too.

Weekly Video Horoscopes from 2nd July 

The week begins with the on-going stand-off between three planets, the Sun, Pluto and Uranus, which the first pair both Square. This is known as a Cardinal T Square, and it really can be heavy stuff.

The upside, is that Uranus can be a fearless agent for truth, driving things into the open that some people – and especially powerful people, would rather not happen.

So we are seeing lots of stuff leaking out about the abuse of power. All this will be reinforced, potentially by the role of the Full Moon on Tuesday, which also influenced the axis between Cancer and Capricorn.

Mercury Trine Uranus

Yet there are some lovely aspects too, not least Mercury Trine Uranus and Venus Sextile Uranus. All this can bring some new, and dazzling ideas into the public domain and urges us all to be inventive in our approach.

Mars into Libra

Mars also moves into Libra on Wednesday. If you are a Libra, or for that matter a Gemini, you will probably want to celebrate this, as for eight long months it has been quite a thorn in your sides. Mars is in detriment here due to the opposition with the zodiac sign it rules Aries, but Libra can soften the downside of Mars and bring greater diplomacy to bear. A less sharp edged and tongued influence for sure.

Your Weekly Horoscope Videos from 2nd July also see Venus and Jupiter get closer. This can be a portent for good fortune, and some just may fall into your lap.

July Horoscopes 2012

If you would like to watch your July Horoscopes 2012 please feel welcome to join me.


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Post Author: Patrick Arundell

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