2018 Capricorn Love Horoscope

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

Communication is the most important element in any relationship, and this year it is going to be absolutely critical for yours. You still have the planet of discipline and structure, and your ruler, Saturn in a sensitive part of your situation, but unlike last year, Saturn is going to be making some absolutely brilliant links in this one. You're still going to have to stay very aware of your more internal issues and how they influence your thinking and actions, when it comes to how you interact with others. If you can blend subtlety with enthusiasm, you can make some fantastic connections. But with Mercury in retrograde in your sign as the year begins, there could be some stop/start moments. However, whatever you face, your enthusiasm to overcome obstacles is going to be excellent, as long as you don't let other people's ideas deflate or de-motivate you. The second half of the year is going to be a time when conversations move to something of greater substance. Then you will be exploring just how close you can really be. A very sensual last six months is possible for you Capricorn, so do keep the faith.

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