2018 Leo Love Horoscope

Leo 24 July - 23 August

You are given a wonderful celestial gift this year, well, in fact Leo, it's not just the one, it really is several. The first is that Venus the planet of relating is in your sector of harmony as the year turns. This encourages you to try to always maintain a degree of goodwill. True, Jupiter and Uranus are going to be squabbling for the first two months and then again through September to mid October. But see this as an opportunity to encounter people who although very different to you, can actually bring great illumination and variety into your existence. Also, with strict Saturn in your sector of romance, forging an amazing angle with Uranus for the first six months, do not dismiss those people who look at life differently from you, because one person like this can be the very individual who emerges so importantly for you. With a potent lunar Eclipse on 11th February in your sign, this can be a year when you may need to redefine your very own individuality. By the time of the second lunar Eclipse on 7th August, you will be the evidence of how you will be perceived and enjoyed by someone close to you.

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