Aquarius 2015 Horoscope

For someone who likes quite straightforward relationships this year could see, as certain as of mystery and intrigue. For example in your love life as much as you generally prefer to do things in the above board way some of the situation you encounter could be rather complex. Still, with Jupiter in your sector of relating through to August 10th, and forging an opposition with Mars in your sign at the turn of the year, if you're go getting and positive about your prospects you could meet the love of your life. I just think it's possible that this relationship may start in quite a slow or discreet way. Nervous tension can also be an issue this year. If you find yourself feeling fretful try to understand the parts of your nature deep down which perhaps more active than your consciousness is allowing you to understand. With your co-ruler Saturn emphasising your future plans and friendships, this is an area that you can start to take a lot more seriously. But this can be a very good thing you have a general love of being with groups of people and as long as there the right people you can find yourself being much more committed to those ties.

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Aquarius Horoscope 2015

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