Simon Cowell's Horoscope

Published: Sunday, 17 April 2016 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.

For someone who stated he was not cut out to be a father, Simon Cowell, has exceeded everyone’s expectations after the birth of his son Eric, on February 14th. Simon's Sun, Mars and Mercury are in Libra, a sign that is very people orientated and interactive. His Moon is in outgoing, happy-go-lucky Sagittarius.

However, he also has Venus conjunct Pluto in Virgo, suggesting he has another side to him that can be fairly intense. Those with Venus in Virgo, can have a horror of germs, along with shades of obsessive compulsive disorder and a dash of squeamishness. The information that he was “a natural” while attending the birth, did come as something of a surprise.

Lauren Silverman, his girlfriend, New York socialite and Eric’s mother, is a Capricorn with Mars and Mercury in the same sign. She also has the Moon and Jupiter in Taurus - a classic placement that often denotes wealth. Yet, despite this very worldly blend of energies, she has Saturn trine Neptune. While enabling her to bring her dreams to life, it can also hint at a lack of confidence. Despite her seeming success and popularity, she can seem vulnerable and a little lost at times. It’s possible that she feels better around someone who is strong and powerful enough to give her the support she needs. Simon would, of course, fulfill that role more than adequately.

Their baby Eric is an Aquarian, born on Valentine’s Day in New York. With his Moon in Leo, Mercury in Aquarius and Venus in Capricorn, he may well have what it takes to forge ahead and be his own boss. Meanwhile, a potent T-Square in his horoscope chart, hints at creative tensions, suggesting he might aim for success, but on his own terms. Venus makes an intense conjunction to Pluto, just as it does in his Dad’s chart, only it has a wider orb and is in Capricorn rather than Virgo. Perhaps a sign that he won’t be short on ambition!

So, how do Simon and Lauren get along? There seems to be plenty of passion, with Lauren’s Pluto conjuncting Simon’s Sun. A look at their composite chart reveals a Venus, Mars, Sun and Neptune conjunction. There’s a great sense of chemistry, relaxed togetherness and lots of glamour associated with their relationship.

A dip into the future, hints that Eric’s birth has changed both their lives dramatically. Lauren’s Pluto had conjuncted her Sun during 2013 and on into 2014, while Simon’s Sun will be squared by Pluto over 2014 and on into 2015. The next question is whether they will marry? The Pluto Sun square, hints that Simon might want to keep things as they are for now, but he could surprise us yet!

Simon Cowell's Horoscope

Celebrity Horoscope

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