Olivia Melian Robertson was born in London on Friday the 13th in April 1917. The more you read about her you can’t help feeling Olivia’s life would have been extraordinary under any circumstances, since she worked as a nurse, welfare worker and a writer. In 1946, Olivia received her first spiritual awakening, although she continued to work as a writer. It wasn’t until 1960, that she moved back to her ancestral home of Clonegal Castle with Lawrence and Pamela Durdin-Robertson, and in1963 the trio formed the Huntington Castle Centre for Meditation and Study. In 1976, Olivia, her brother and sister-in-law, founded the Fellowship of Isis at Clonegal Castle. The Fellowship of Isis does not claim to have a particular religious leaning; it does, however, encourage all religions to explore the feminine aspect of god, although male deities are also recognised. The group gained its Egyptian sounding name because the Fellowship of Isis co-founders’, believed Isis best represented the energies of the Aquarian Age. As Olivia put it:
‘I had a direct spiritual vocation to do this from God - the feminine aspect of God, God who is also feminine - to emphasize this because the world is threatened by destruction through pollution, through misuse of nature, often through stupidity and greed’.
After a full and active life, Olivia Robertson passed away peacefully and surrounded by her family on Thursday, November 14th, 2013 at the age of 96. The Fellowship of Isis continues its work.