Horoscopes 2017
Aries 21 March - 20 April
There is a planetary collective at the start of this year which can provide excitement, possibilities and also the potential for growth, if you take a patient, but sustained approach to your goals.
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But you know, you're going to need to stay very much in touch with your intuition in order to get the best results.
Now, although you have a reputation for being the action planet of the Zodiac, you often do better than anyone else when you react to your hunches, and this is something you need to do throughout this year. You will start to feel particularly dynamic from the end of January, and the self expressive eclipse on 11th February, will help you to power forwards even more in the following six months.
But the Solar Eclipse on 26th February brings us back to this concept of being in touch with the more sensitive and emotional side of your nature. Do not ignore this in the following half-year. Yet, there's no doubting that the August Eclipses are particularly exciting for you, and can see you making new links and creating your own environment to thrive within. Co-operation will be important this year, but by 11th October, you will start to recognise who can become a deeper part of your world.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
A desire to open up yourself to new vistas has become very compelling, especially in the last months of 2016. This is unlikely to be dimmed during this year, yet you are being asked to make sure that all the practical details in your world are still robust, and are in thoroughly good order for you to do the more enterprising and experimental things you can crave. This doesn't mean to say that you can't have some high hopes, and your idealism is going to be given a significant boost in the first half of this year. This suggests that you can be networking with like-minded people or working on causes that are dear to your heart. As Saturn and Uranus combine in the first six months, ensure that you are also sweating all the resources you have, which can include your past experiences and knowledge as much as money and physical assets. The second half of this year does put more of an emphasis on the feelings side of life. Some Bulls may even relocate, or at the very least make some significant changes to where you live. But the last quarter of this year is going to see you really quite inspired, and this may include starting a home-based business, adding to your family or becoming much more aware of your deepest emotional needs.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
Strict Saturn continues in your sector of relationships for virtually the whole of this year. But he is giving you some opportunities to use the wisdom that he can impart in a really constructive way. Friends who understand your need for a little bit of space, but also know you will repay this in your own way, will become a bigger feature of your year. If you're solo, don't be surprised in the first six months if you find yourself getting closer to someone who is a member of your circle or you get to know through a mutual friend. Mind, care does need to be taken this year around joint resources, property and long-term finances. Your communication skills are going to be really important around these areas, but you will need to be vigilant all year. At work, you may find yourself yearning for a more creative role, or one that helps other people in some way. With Jupiter, the planet of inspiration, in the most brilliant part of your 'scope through to 10th October, this is not a time to hide your talents away. This transit can also be good for your love life, but I think the second half of the year is when things are really going to spark into life in all sorts of ways, a period when there’s going to be a lot more interaction across all of your activities.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
Keeping the lines of communication open is going to be an essential factor this year, and in whatever strand of your existence. One area that shows great potential to change is around your work, where an openness to new approaches, allied to your attention to detail and precision could see your career heading in a new direction, but one which can absolutely delight you. However, do continue to work hard at your health and fitness regime. Anything you can do to improve your diet, the nutrition within it, as well as your exercise, are going to be very worthy things to pursue. Try to avoid too much tension around your relationships. Pluto continues to be very potent, but can see you wanting things perhaps a little too much on your own terms at times, so give and take is going to be important. The second half of the year can see you grappling more with your resources, and it can be a time when you have some significant expenditure or find new avenues to generate income. With Jupiter moving into the most fabulous part of your scope on 11th October, you will not be lacking in inspiration in the last quarter.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
As Saturn has made his way through your sector of self-expression, romance, creativity and life's delights since December 2014, well, things may have seemed anything other than delightful. But this year, right from the off he is acting co-operatively with both Jupiter and Uranus in a way which can be really positive for you. You have probably been going through a vast period of rationalisation, cutting out of your situation the things that are no longer relevant to you. Now you can go on the front foot and start to consolidate the things that matter and even grow the areas that are important to you. Uranus can be particularly helpful for you in this regard, and right through 'till June. With Jupiter also infusing your sector of communication through to 10th October, if you have something to say to people that excites you, the chances are your enthusiasm is going to prove infectious. Yet anything to do with shared resources, finance and property will need great care, particularly in the first six months. But by the time of the solar Eclipse in your sign on 21st August, you will start to create the platform to really explode into action in the last half of the year. Hold onto your hat Leo, because it is going to be a very expansive ride!
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
Jupiter's influence in your sector of resources is likely to be really helpful, and right past the time of your birthday this year. In traditional astrology this augurs well for your bank balance, but not necessarily your waistline, because calorific goodies of all kinds are going to prove mightily tempting. At the start of this year, there is also a tremendous amount of energy in your sector of creativity and in a way which links to others. You must ensure that the lines of communication remain open all year. But certainly in the first six months of 2017, if you can stay sensitive in your interactions and work closely and harmoniously with others, there is so much to achieve. Changes can also occur in the first six months around where you live. Perhaps you are going to move completely, but then again, use the space you already have more efficiently and more imaginatively. The Eclipse of 11th February, asks you to stay open minded about employment prospects this year, and do try to avoid draining disputes in January and February, and September to mid-October around shared resources. Some give-and-take will be necessary. The last half of this year can be a time when you grow your awareness at a much more psychological level.
Libra 24 September - 23 October
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, optimism, growth and even good fortune, stays with you for over ten months of this year, so this is not a time to sit back and wait for life to come to you. Get on the front foot Libra. This may mean some sparks will fly, particularly in January and February - if you assert yourself more forcefully, and this could even have some bearing on your home and emotional life. Much of last year seemed to be dominated by the needs of other people and being sacrificing for the wider cause. Because you can often be very obliging to other people’s viewpoints, this may have seen you lose your identity at times, and you can find yourself absolutely determined to rekindle the strands that are really important to you. Connecting with people who really inspire you, particularly intellectually, becomes quite a theme, especially in the first six months. There will still be obligations and duties to attend to, but if you can have a bit more control over these it will help you. The last six months of this year are going to see a time of increased social and creative dynamism. Your leadership skills can also come to the fore, especially in any situation where there is a collective goal or principal that's inspirational to you.
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
There is an opportunity to be really passionate about your ideas this year. The Sun forges a magnificent link with Mars, your co-ruler, at the turn of the year, and this is going to be an influence which provides a backdrop for the whole of 2017. But as much as this can reinvigorate you in terms of connecting with others, there are going to be times when you need to be much more subtle in your approach, and accuracy around your facts and figures is something that you shouldn't take shortcuts on - by rushing to enthuse people. If you are someone who is creative, artistic, talented or looking for greater romantic response, the Solar Eclipse of 26th February gives you an even more enhanced opportunity to demonstrate to others just how gifted you really are or how affectionate you can be. As much as your resources may have seemed limited over the last couple of years, things can change for the better this year. The key thread of this is going to be flexibility. It's possible that the chance to do something different may challenge you to move outside your comfort zone, which actually could be very gratifying. In fact, the last half of the year could see you really reach for the stars, and others be keen to shower you with plaudits.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
You begin the New Year with a big emphasis on your resources. Marshalling these carefully, be it your time, energy, abilities or money is going to be a theme. Although you can be a very expansive sign, you're being asked to be much more strategic in your approach to new ideas and opportunities. Measure out those resources to match anything of interest that comes up for you and the sky's the limit. Pour too much of any into the wrong area, you may find yourself with some form of deficit. The Lunar Eclipse which occurs on 11th of February does though provide inspiration to keep trying to find ways to move forwards. With your ruler Jupiter urging you to network and collaborate, there is a lot to be gained by linking with the right people. But you're going to be much more sensitive this year, and emotional considerations and family life will take on more importance, so whoever you link with needs to be able to attune to this. The first couple of months of this year could see you much more experimental, but try to resist being too impulsive. The time to really go for it and be much more expansive is going to be from August through to the end of the year, but this period could also see a completely new mindset developing.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
As the year's change, a formidable influence is forged for you for the following year. And there is a fantastic link between the Sun, Mars and Neptune, which suggests your ability to communicate with people is going to be energised and enhanced, although there is a proviso. This is that Mercury is retrograde at the start of the year, suggesting that 2017 could see you embrace certain ideas, run with them, and then shift onto different strands. The chances are this can be a real pattern. For someone like yourself who works very patiently at long-term goals, this could prove frustrating at times, but only if you judge yourself. Because essentially Capricorn, if you can just see that the year is going to be influenced by a fair degree of fluidity, it can help you to be more philosophical. The real gift the stars are giving you is going to be one of options. So if you experiment with some and decide not to stick with them, so be it. The first couple of months of the year, September and half of October can also see some rather unexpected encounters or experiences which could prove unsettling. Keep the faith. For actually, if you are investing in your emotional being, your inner voice will guide your progress. Then a new dawn emerges in December.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
Your two ruling planets of Saturn and Uranus combine superbly in the first six months of this year. Saturn is about structure, Uranus is about innovation. Together they give you an opportunity to evolve something that is really important to you in a very systematic but progressive way. This could influence your friendships, long-term hopes or even your most idealistic side. Not everybody is necessarily going to get what you're trying to do, and the more avant-garde of your ideas may meet with resistance in January and February. And if you really believe in an expansive idea, keep investing the energy and the diligence as well as enthusiasm to make it grow. The psychological mist that did swirl around you at times last year is going to continue to do so at times during this one, but there is an essential difference, because this year you will see that you are shaping a new reality which is going to give you much more security, but it's probably one that is going to come in stages rather than instantly happen. Travel, higher education, publishing, careers workshops and links to intriguing people can all provide a backdrop. Your relationship sector really starts the sizzle with possibilities in the last six months of 2017 and it could come from a shared interest.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
What is particularly helpful to you, is that Mars, the planet of drive and determination is in your sign at the turn of the year, alongside your co-ruler Neptune and both are angling productively to the Sun, in your sector of future wishes. This is going to provide the backdrop for the whole year, a time when you can become more single-minded, yet at the same time develop your levels of co-operation. The role of Neptune cannot be underestimated, and is asking you to share the more sensitive and emotional sides of your nature too. It's true that in your wider relationships and around your future hopes, you will have to work at clarity, because there may be times when you feel a bit bogged down and objectivity may be more elusive. This is going to be reinforced by the Eclipses of February, which can see some hidden issues come into the open, but also give you an opportunity to then take charge of them. In terms of your career, an openness to be innovative could see you making giant strides forwards, even if at times it feels like only tiny steps. It will be when you look back you will see the progress that's been made. The Eclipses of August however, ask you to be more mindful about life organisation and your welfare. The key is to not overload yourself with too many responsibilities. More expansive vibes can create a lot of excitement in the last quarter.