30% Off Your 12 Month Personal Horoscope Forecast & Character Analysis Combination Report

30% Off Your 12 Month Personal Horoscope Forecast & Character Analysis Combination Report


Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

September Monthlies, Capricorn 22 December - 20 January...

Your ruler Saturn has quite the reputation, and has been asking you to choose your words with care in recent times. As he opposes the New Moon on the 3rd, it's certainly a time to be circumspect, but with the fiery Mars moving into your sector of relating, you may feel that being blunt is the best thing, especially if this helps to firm up your boundaries and make a point. With Venus gliding into your sector of deep truths on the 23rd, this could be a make or break scenario romantically. But with work opportunities stepping up in the last week, your focus may switch to goals and ambitions.

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