As lively Mercury merges with practical Saturn, the coming days can see us being very focused regarding our plans.
We may also be more ambitious and perhaps keen to take on more of a challenge, if it means we can accompish more. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 12th January 2018 please see below...
Horoscopes Friday 12th January 2018
Aries 21 March - 20 April
It is likely you have handled a lot of responsibility or worked to get a new idea off the ground. Whatever the situation, you may feel you deserve a break, even if still being aware that you have a lot to do. Give this some serious thought Aries, as it won't help you to keep up such a hectic pace for too long. Plan for some time out and make the most of it, and enjoy something rewarding.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
Travel may have great appeal as the expansive Jupiter moves to align with potent Pluto. However, you're also encouraged to look to the details, so you can make informed choices. There may be a part of you that is keen to get moving on an offer that seems exciting and that affords you a break. If you're too quick off the mark though, you might not get such a good deal Taurus.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
You are often known for being able to juggle various tasks and doing so with ease. If you add too many more to your list of things to do though, you could begin to register a degree of overwhelm. With the weekend almost here, consider cutting back and give yourself a chance to unwind. There may be more exciting opportunities coming up, so aim to feel refreshed Gemini.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
If you have been busy helping others or working as part of a team, then this phase is likely to continue. You might even be given further responsibilities over coming days, that you'll need to factor in somehow. However, there may be options open to you that you might want to take advantage of. And to do so, you may need to reclaim some of your time for your own personal use.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
With the Sun, your guide planet, and the lovely Venus angling towards the restless Uranus, you may be thinking about time out, which is not surprising considering all you can be dealing with. However, you might also be thrilled to have exciting options open to you, and could be tempted to take on more than you can reasonably handle. If you can ease off the accelerator Leo, do so.
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
Mercury, your lead planet, aligns with the practical Saturn in your sector of creativity. You may be ready to commit to an idea that could bring positive returns. When it comes to other plans or even a budding relationship though, your horoscope hints that changes could occur that might put a new spin on things. Therefore, it can help to stay as flexible as possible, at least for now.
Libra 24 September - 23 October
As the convivial Venus, your ruler, aligns with the Sun, she also angles towards the electric qualities of Uranus, so things may not go quite as planned over coming days Libra. However, this might not be the issue that it seems. If you have committed to handling a family issue or helping a relative, something that you may have done a lot of lately, then this might be a welcome respite.
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
Your interactions with others may be very important over the days ahead, as you could have a lot of admin to work through or things to sort out. Furthermore, one opportunity could appeal, though it might require hard work to get it moving. Don't discount the unexpected though, as you could find that new information can add sparkle and genius to your best plans Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
If you have been very careful with your money and keen to save, then you might be tempted to spend some of it on an impromptu outing, especially if it brings the chance of a new experience. Don't discount this immediately Archer, as if you consider the costs, then it may be that it won't make too much of a dent in your budget, and might be worth it for the enjoyment or fun factor.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
A very focused blend of energies can encourage you to commit to an idea or opportunity, or to put more effort into resolving an issue. Yet you could already be very involved as it is, perhaps more than usual, and this may be down to a desire to get 2018 off to a positive start. You might though, get an unexpected guest or visitor, and this could allow you to enjoy some valuable downtime.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
While it can seem that it is better to keep quiet about a certain matter and to resolve it yourself. You could find that a similar topic comes up during conversation quite by accident, and this might inspire you to talk more openly about it. If you do, it could be helpful Aquarius, as you might find that new ideas and information become available, and could bring relief or simply ease your mind.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
The active period surrounding your social life continues, and this can see you busy with events and commitments. If you are asked to contribute to a project, or to consider joining a group or club that has a membership fee, this might be another matter though. You could decide to pay up on the spur of the moment, but making sure it is what you really want first, can be very wise.