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Horoscopes Friday 16th February 2024

Published: Friday, 16 February 2024, contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Horoscopes Friday 16th February 2024

Transiting Venus enters Aquarius, bringing a delightful and convivial influence to our social affairs.

The coming weeks are great for joining groups and clubs, meeting kindred spirits and make new contacts on social media. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 15th February 2024 please see below...

Horoscopes Friday 16th February 2024

Aries 21 March - 20 April

Your social zone is already very busy, and now luscious Venus is keen to join the party, Aries. You'll be an attractive option too, as a blend of energies may find others irresistibly drawn to you. If you're looking for romance, this could be a peak time. And yet whoever you're keen to liaise with you'll find that conversations are deep and rich, and that a lot can be accomplished.

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

Business and pleasure blend and work well together, especially as Venus enters Aquarius and encourages a sociable approach to getting to know important people. The way things are looking though Taurus, you could come across as being too keen, which might have the opposite effect. If you want to impress, be more casual. Dial down the intensity, but listen to what they're saying.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

As convivial Venus leaves Capricorn and sashays into Aquarius, you'll be eager to enjoy life to the max. This convivial planet will also be in your sector of travel and new experiences, so you'll be looking to embrace more of life. During this time a taste for the exotic can encourage you to visit new places. Anything that expands your horizons could bring you a lot of pleasure.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

Venus dances into a passionate zone and encounters Pluto, a celestial body which is known to stir up powerful emotions. Your desires may be stronger than usual, and you could focus on one thing to the point of becoming obsessed by it. If your need is satisfied, it won't take long before you're looking for the next thing. Self-care and pampering may be what you really need.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

Where do your priorities lie? Mixing with key people can bring opportunities your way that may be worth looking into. And your plans could change the more you get involved. Plus, with luscious Venus entering your relationship zone, you'll enjoy being socially adventurous. With a buoyant aspect developing it would be no surprise if you met someone who ticks all your boxes.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

You seem to be juggling activities and busy finding ways to keep all the plates in the air, Virgo. If this is you, then Venus's entrance into your lifestyle zone can be a call to get some help and support. If you've been trying to do everything by yourself, it's no wonder you feel a tad burnt out. Be ready to let go of control and trust others with your work. It's time to start delegating.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

Hoping to impress? It pays to be yourself. The focus on the sign of Aquarius brings an opportunity to enhance the romantic side of life, display your talents to the world and invest in any activity that you enjoy and that enables you to recharge. The more you focus on ideas, opportunities and people that interest you, the happier you'll be. Trust your inclinations, Libra!

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

The idea of home can mean many different things to you now and into the future, especially as transformational Pluto is now in your domestic sector. You'll be dreaming up plans, whether on grand or a smaller scale for some time to come. With Venus entering this sector from today, your horoscope reveals that the idea of redecorating or giving your place a new look could be the start of a raft of changes.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

A soothing influence beginning today can make a difference to discussions and interactions. Had some sparkling encounters lately? There may be plenty more to come, and it's these that could form the basis of new ideas and opportunities. You might not see eye-to-eye with everyone though, and this is where a diplomatic touch can pave the way for positive future developments.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

Does someone's attitude grate on you? You may be ready to say something. And perhaps it's time you did, if it helps clear the air. They might have different values to you, or they could expect a lot and seem to give little back. Setting firmer boundaries can be one way to get the message across. Venus's positive input suggests listening intently to them may help turn things around.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

Sparkling Venus moves into your sign from today, encouraging you to embrace any new relationships and friendly developments. With so much going on, there are times when you could feel out of your depth. It seems that everyone wants you on their friends' list, and this will only increase. Make a point of linking up with those you feel a natural affinity with too, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

Your affections may be expressed behind closed doors, Pisces. Venus's move into Aquarius and a private zone, encourages you to keep a romance or developments within a relationship private. You might want time to yourself to enjoy a sweetening bond or to sort out in your own mind your best course of action. This is also an opportunity to be kinder to yourself in general.

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Horoscopes Friday 16th February 2024

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