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Horoscopes Monday 8th January 2018

Published: Monday, 8 January 2018, contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Horoscopes Monday 8th January 2018

With both sociable Venus and the Sun linking to jovial Jupiter, the coming days can show a positive slant.

We may feel moved to make new connections or to take certain relationships to a new and more exciting level. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 8th January 2018 please see below...

Horoscopes Monday 8th January 2018

Aries 21 March - 20 April

Today's Quarter Moon could make for a rather intense start to the week, as it angles towards the Sun, lovely Venus and Pluto. You could find yourself in a dilemma about whether to go ahead with an idea or offer, and whether you can cope with the outcome, which could take you out of your comfort zone. If you are already committed though, try not to over think this. 

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

The changes that are coming your way seem to be positive, but this might not prevent you from feeling apprehensive Taurus. Although they may inspire opportunities and novel ideas, you may wonder if you have what it takes to accommodate a bigger workload. You do, but you might need to adjust your schedule by cutting out anything that no longer serves your current needs.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

This can be a rather full time, and yet this can be the reason that 2018 gets off to such a positive start. You may be very excited about the possibilities open to you, but to take advantage of them you might need to let go of something, and it is here that you could experience some resistance. If so, relax Gemini, it may be that daily exercise or regular walks could make this process easier.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

Enlisting the help of others to accomplish something of importance may seem a big deal. And today's Quarter Moon could encourage you to think about the implications. Mind, might it be too late for this, as the wheels have likely already begun to turn, and the momentum is increasing? It is vital that you have your say though Cancer, rather than let anyone else dictate to you.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

You may have already committed to going ahead with a bold plan, even if it does put extra pressure on you Leo. However, today's potent lunar phase encourages you to discuss it with others and get their take on this matter. Holding such a conversation can allow you to feel supported, while enabling a fresh perspective, no matter how involved you are at this point.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

A creative project may have reached the stage where it has become so engrossing that it is difficult to tear yourself away. As the Sun angles towards the Moon today though, it can be just as well to think about the costs involved in case they start to spiral. Some research to assess the state of play can allow for adjustments and a chance to get everything under control Virgo.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

It can seem that your input is irrelevant, but with a Quarter Moon in your sign, the coming days could be an encouragement to speak out anyway. Matters may have reached a peak regarding home or property affairs, and it might appear that things are proceeding of their own accord. Don't be so sure though, as your ideas could be crucial to the success of the whole venture.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

You might wonder what you have let yourself in for Scorpio, if a friendship or a budding romance is going through a rather intense phase. You may not have committed to collaborating on an idea or taking things further with this person, and yet it can seem that everyone expects you to. This is where today's lunation can be helpful, as it allows you to decide for yourself.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

Friends can be invaluable over coming days, especially if you are wrestling with your conscience and uncertain what to do about an opportunity. It may be that aspects of it seem mercenary and this might conflict with current ideas that you shouldn't charge money. However, if this project enables you to earn more and give more to charity, then it may be quite acceptable.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

You may impress influential people with your dedication and leadership regarding a community project, but will this help you make progress with your most important plans? You can be willing to put in a lot of effort for others, but you may also be aware that you need to fulfil key responsibilities to enhance your reputation. Over the week ahead, balance is set to be key.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

You may sense it is time to take that leap of faith, but perhaps hadn't considered exactly what this might involve. Today's Quarter Moon in your sector of adventure can be helpful for inspiring you to make your move anyway. While it might seem easier to stay as you are and to continue to dream of what might be, making your intentions public can inspire you to just go for it Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

Whatever you may be considering could change aspects of your social life for good. Certain friendships may develop in strength and these could override current associations, which may take a back seat. However, it might be too late to wonder if you are doing the right thing. Your horoscope hints that you are likely already committed, whatever might happen Pisces.

Horoscopes Monday 8th January 2018

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