Mercury in Sagittarius aligns with Jupiter in Aquarius so we may be open-minded and ready to explore fresh ideas and opportunities.
We could be drawn by anything expansive, futuristic and innovative. We'll also have the confidence to speak our mind. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 11th December 2021 please see below...
Horoscopes Saturday 11th December 2021
Aries 21 March - 20 April
You may be caught up in a whirlpool of emotions, and if it wasn't for a more practical focus, it could be easy to be swept off course. What can keep you grounded, is your desire for something. You might want it badly, and it may be linked to a goal, career or business move, allowing you to channel your feelings in a positive way. Don't try too hard Aries, give it space to happen.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
If you're caught up in the delight of a social event or potential romance, this may define the coming days, and leave you mesmerized by the possibilities around you. This weekend also involves a powerful Venus/Pluto tie, so someone might be keen to persuade you of something. What do you want, Taurus? Knowing this can make it a lot easier to say no if you need to.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
You could become obsessed with something or someone, with a strong desire to have and to hold. A powerful Venus/Pluto merger in an intense zone, suggests that once you set your mind to something you won't give up easily. But is it in your best interests? It might not be, but this won't stop you, if you've decided that you can't live without it. Yet, its appeal may dissipate fast.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
A relationship could get very intense, and it might involve your partner or a budding romance. It may also be a friend, or a business or work connection. You can be deeply involved in an issue over coming days which takes up a lot of bandwidth. It's wise not to make decisions when in the grip of passionate feelings, so a second opinion could be very helpful in this instance.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
A need to have something go your way might tempt you to manipulate a situation. If you push too hard Leo, you'll distance those who you need to keep close. A short-lived Venus/Pluto link suggests that in a few days you may have a different perspective on this matter, and it could move lower down your list of priorities. Would it be such a disaster if you didn't get what you want?
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
Although a relationship can seem to be moving along nicely, it may be just as well to wait a few days to get your bearings and before promising anything. With confusing Neptune involved, your feelings could change, or you might feel that this person isn't all they say they are. Equally, the relationship may blossom, and all can go well. You just need to be sure it's for you, Virgo.
Libra 24 September - 23 October
Mercury's alignment with upbeat Jupiter, can bring a lighter and brighter note to a day that may be intense and prone to misunderstandings. This might be an opportunity to be with friends, and take a break from an issue that's been all-consuming lately. But getting this bit of distance could be enough to help you see it in perspective, and perhaps to realize that this too will pass, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
A willingness to help others and to be a force for good in your community, could lead to you getting involved in projects that are dear to your heart. You can have a healing and magnetic presence Scorpio, and there are times when others may be drawn to you because they feel better in your company. You might benefit too though, as you could make some wonderful new friends.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
You could become a tad too focused on the nitty gritty of your financial situation, and perhaps be making a huge effort to micro-manage each detail. While it certainly helps to have a sound plan, you can give yourself some leeway as long as everything is under control. In this regard, a Mercury/Venus link encourages you to splurge a little and allow yourself some special treats.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
You'll be anything but light-hearted and relaxed, as Venus merges with Pluto in your sign. It will be easy to blow things out of proportion and to imbue them with emotion that could seem over-the-top a few days down the line. Your horoscope suggests you take extremes of feeling with a pinch of salt. While they can seem to consume you at the time, they will blow over fast. You'll soon feel more at ease with things.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
Desires may be stronger than usual, but you do have the ability to pursue them, and a good chance of getting what you want. Passionate feelings can be at the core, so be sure that what you are intending is good for you, as once you have it, you'll have to deal with the consequences. What do your friend's think? If you're willing to confide, someone's viewpoint might be helpful.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
Looking to learn a new skill? This can be an excellent time to study, whether it's online or offline, part or full-time, as you could do very well. Equally, if you're keen to travel or to explore other exciting opportunities, this is your chance. Whatever you learn now may be useful to your future plans. Still, if you get an intuitive nudge to move in a certain direction, then go for it.