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Horoscopes Saturday 8th June 2019

Published: Saturday, 8 June 2019, contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Horoscopes Saturday 8th June 2019

With the Sun squaring off with hazy Neptune we might find that energy levels dip and tasks that are easy appear a tad overwhelming.

We could be in an idealistic mood which could see us making choices that aren't based on reality. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 8th June 2019 please see below...

Horoscopes Saturday 8th June 2019

Aries 21 March - 20 April

With the Sun in Gemini forging an awkward angle with Neptune, this is one of those times when you could lose documents, files or other items such as keys or your phone, unless you are careful what you do with them. At the same time, there may be a chance of unexpected visitors or perhaps someone extra will show up for dinner. Having something in hand can help with this. 

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

Jupiter rewinding in a sector of deep emotion, can allow you to feel comfortable around issues that you may not have been previously. This relaxed approach may be so much healthier if it enables you to talk, as it encourages a sense of relief and inner peace. Whether you link with a friend or a professional guide, your horoscope suggests that regular conversations could lead to a sense of healing.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

Despite a focus on a prominent sector that can place you in the spotlight, you may feel it is not appropriate to talk about accomplishments and achievements. And if you are not willing to do so, then who will? The Sun in your sign encourages self-expression and self-promotion, and even though you may feel it is not appropriate to talk about your successes, it can do much good.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

How you spend your time can be important, as it could be easy to fritter it away on activities that might not accomplish much. This can be relative though, as time spent having fun may be key to some and unimportant to others. Today, lunar ties suggest that getting out and relaxing may be very rewarding, and if you are working, any chance to unwind is even more essential.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

The Moon in your sign encourages you to get in touch with your feelings, and if this inspires you to relish some leisure time, then go ahead. With new plans and plenty to be dealing with in general, today's positive aspects suggest downing tools and indulging in activities you enjoy. A meeting might boost your confidence concerning an idea, and the outcome looks to be positive.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

An upbeat emphasis on your domestic zone suggests that you may need more space to pursue your hobbies or a home business. Clearing away clutter, especially old furniture, unwanted books, knickknacks and other items, could make a crucial difference. Although tedious work, the space you manage to reclaim can impact wellbeing and energy levels very positively.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

Your plans could be subject to delays, so it can help to simplify things as far as possible. A relaxed and flexible approach could be just what is needed to handle any distractions. There can be an upside to things not going to plan though, and that is finding new ways to accomplish an ongoing project. Any detours you take could see you making brand new discoveries Libra.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

An awkward tie between the Sun and nebulous Neptune, could make you aware of the reasons why you might be avoiding something. It may be too daunting to tackle alone, and you might feel happier if you had some help. With the potential for confusion, getting the opinion or advice of someone with experience could make a world of difference, and leave you more confident.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

Friends may have advice, but will this vary greatly? Possibly! While someone might encourage you to go with the flow, another might tap into your desire to forge ahead. You may need to work with both options. The coming days could require you to handle responsibilities, while also exploring the spiritual the side of your being. Factoring in time for reflection can help you handle both.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

You could discover something that changes you in a powerful way, and it could be a realization about your purpose in life Capricorn. You can gain the most benefit from personal reflection and experience though, rather than accepting others' words as the truth. If you are looking for knowledge elsewhere, it could mislead. Allow your intuition to be your guide at this time.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

An altruistic mood could see you giving away time or money with the best of hearts, but in a way that could leave you somewhat depleted. With compassionate aspects showing up, you might feel it is your duty to help, but you could end up giving more than you can reasonably manage. Giving to a good cause doesn't mean losing out yourself, so stick with what you truly can afford.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

As the Sun angles towards nebulous Neptune in your sign, events could stir up memories and feelings. A movie, a novel or a conversation, might bring emotions to the surface, and you could find yourself pondering over past incidents. If you feel vulnerable, then having someone to talk to can be a big help. Creative pursuits can channel these energies in a positive way too.

Horoscopes Saturday 8th June 2019

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