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Horoscopes Saturday 9th March 2019

Published: Saturday, 9 March 2019, contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Horoscopes Saturday 9th March 2019

As the Sun in Pisces forges an easygoing tie to sobering Saturn this can be a chance to turn a dream into reality.

It may be something small yet meaningful that with effort might bring feelings of satisfaction.  For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 9th March 2019 please see below...

Horoscopes Saturday 9th March 2019

Aries 21 March - 20 April

You could experience a tussle between wanting to enjoy the weekend and do your own thing, and needing to attend to key responsibilities. The Sun's positive tie with Saturn suggests pushing yourself and getting them out of the way, as you'll be free to do as you please then. On a social note, lovely Venus in your friendship zone can invite you to forge exciting new connections. 

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

You may feel very happy about moving out of your comfort zone and doing something rather bold. With the Sun making positive ties to cautious Saturn in your adventure sector, your decision to move ahead can leave you feeling good Taurus. And someone older or who has more experience may be willing to support you when necessary, giving much needed reassurance.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

You can either persist in believing something that you suspect is not true, or you can take steps to discover whether it is or not. For instance, you may hope that a plan has the potential to succeed as much as you would like it to, but if there is the slightest doubt, then it is worth investigating as you might be able to remedy it. If it looks like a no go, then leave it alone.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

Socially, you may find yourself mixing with people who are idealistic, innovative and humanitarian. Their presence can influence you and perhaps encourage you to think along similar lines. Being with them could inspire you to actively support a group or a cause that is very close to your heart, and to get involved in a practical and very satisfying way Cancer.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

There may be much you can accomplish by liaising with the right people. And with a very positive line-up influencing your work and other personal goals, you can make a sterling impression over coming days that captures the attention of movers and shakers. You horoscope reveals you seem very willing to go that extra mile to show you mean business, and this can reward you Leo.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

If it seems that making progress has been something of an uphill struggle and you haven't done as much as you hoped, then be kind to yourself. The fact that you have persevered is certainly a sign of your integrity. Today's lunar ties may leave you wondering why a long-held dream has not come to fruition. Mercury retro may not be helping, so try to be patient Virgo.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

You may have some great ideas, and it seems you also have the desire to make something of them. However, with things in a state of flux due to Mercury's retro phase, plans can change fast, so it may be wise not to commit to anything major just yet. Moreover, as the radiant Sun moves to align with practical Saturn, a long-term option may become available and might be better.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

It can help to be careful of what you say over this weekend Scorpio, especially with edgy influences making it more difficult to hold back. Lunar ties can see a situation coming to a head that you might feel strongly about, and you may want to make your views clear. However, it can pay to be careful as doing so, may be more beneficial to you if it helps keep a relationship intact.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

The difference between a potentially bad investment and a good one can be very clear over coming days. Impulsive urges may be one sign that a desire isn't thought out, and that it might not bring lasting satisfaction. However, a more stable aspect can inspire you to think carefully about how you might improve your wealth and lifestyle Archer, which can be very worthwhile.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

If your energy levels seem to dip, then it is likely down to all the hard work you have been putting into your plans and projects. If they are, then think about treating yourself to a well-deserved break. A nature walk can be very soothing and so can a trip to a beautiful place. If you need more help to ease away tension, then a massage or spa treatment could be your best bet.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

If you feel like some time to yourself this weekend, then the cosmos encourages you take it, if possible. With a potent line-up in a secluded sector, a chance to veer off schedule and to do as you please can leave you feeling grounded and at ease. If one issue has been very much on your mind, then relaxing could allow you to see that perhaps it is not so urgent after all Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

You could feel frustrated if someone has let you down. But bearing in mind that expressive Mercury is now in its rewind phase, it may not be entirely their fault. With an edgy influence occurring today, you may feel justified in a saying a few words. If so, try to make your point in a way that gives them the benefit of the doubt, as they may be genuinely sorry about this Pisces.

Horoscopes Saturday 9th March 2019

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