Sweet Venus in Pisces angles towards dynamic Mars in Sagittarius which hints at a conflict in a key relationship.
We may be frustrated by someone's reaction or conversely find this makes the relationship far more sparkly and interesting. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 26th January 2020 please see below...
Horoscopes Sunday 26th January 2020
Aries 21 March - 20 April
As luscious Venus angles towards Mars, you could feel a sense of frustration concerning a bond that never seems to take off. This could come to a head now, and might lead to further tensions. If someone doesn't want to commit to a relationship, project or collaboration, then it may be best to back off. You might be better using your energy on more fruitful and fulfilling associations.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
Someone may find you very attractive, but do you feel the same about them? Whatever they have could contrast greatly with your personality and can either find you ready to steer clear or eager to know them better. There is a dreamy quality around social and romantic relationships that can make for some special dates Taurus, or that might leave you wondering where you stand.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
Delectable Venus in ethereal and sensitive Pisces and aligning with Neptune, can encourage you to be kind and compassionate, and this could conflict with a feistier and more determined attitude to life and relationships. You'll need to find the middle path. Being too accommodating can see you taken advantage of, while an assertive approach might prove too much for some people.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
The urge to get fit and feel fabulous could contrast greatly with a desire to go with the flow and please yourself. If you let it get to you, you could feel guilty for every piece of cake or missed exercise session, which won't really help. Don't feel bad for watching a movie, partying or going on an indulgent date with your partner, as in six days or so it will be easier to get back on track.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
On the surface you may appear very confident about a project or new romance, but the way you feel on the inside could be a different matter altogether. The one is outward going and ready to grasp the metal, while at another level, you might prefer to use magnetic charm to attract those golden opportunities. A mix can see you being both beguiling and sassy, which might just work.
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
The Moon/Uranus link hints at a lively encounter that may be memorable for more reasons than one. This person could have interesting and possibly life-changing information to share. Look into it and you might see the significance right away, and be fascinated by what it can do for you. Plus, you may be drawn to someone, and yet wary of them. No harm in asking a few questions first!
Libra 24 September - 23 October
With dynamic Mars in your sector of communication, you may be more forthright than usual Libra. And yet if someone should flash you a helpless smile, you could be powerfully drawn to them. Just don't feel you have to drop everything to assist another, especially if they can help themselves. Someone may be a little unscrupulous, so be a little savvy.
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
Whether you spend on yourself or spend on others, there may be a tendency to let your cash run through your fingers over coming days. If you feel like treating yourself, then make it something that will benefit you, such as a relaxing massage or a spa day. Falling for someone? There's no need to splash the cash to impress Scorpio. Your horoscope suggests being your magnetic, understated and confident self.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
You may feel like a powerhouse of energy, and in comparison, others in your circles can seem mired in apathy, which you might find deeply frustrating. Consider that they could find you rather a restless and disruptive force. You might not get through to them unless you can temper your fiery approach by chilling a little. Then they may listen and even respond to your requests.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
There are some things that might remain a mystery, unless you can take some time to dive deep and find out what is really going on. As the go-getting vibe of Mars journeys through a secluded zone, this can be a good time to reflect on any obscure issues. The answer might show up in a dream or as an intuitive nudge that is hard to ignore, and if so, taking note can help unravel tangled strands.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
Purchasing something for the home? If so Aquarius, the Moon's link with Uranus could inspire you to choose something that is original rather than mass-produced. You may be drawn to someone's unique artwork or to an item in a vintage store that has a special appeal. And once you get it home you can be very pleased with it. Entertaining? It could be a conversation piece.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
While you may have ideas, the presence of the Sun in a secluded part of your chart hints this is not quite the time to put them into action. Instead, it is better to finish off projects that you haven't completed and clear up any emotional issues that might be a drain on your energy. By the time the Sun enters your sign in a few weeks, you'll have cleared enough space to attack new plans with gusto.