The Moon in Virgo aligns with Jupiter in Taurus, so we'll be ready to go exploring and keen to do something daring.
We might want to invest in a side-hustle that involves teaching others about a subject we are experts at. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 14th September 2023 please see below...
Horoscopes Thursday 14th September 2023
Aries 21 March - 20 April
Excitement and restlessness can be part of the stellar picture, so you may be looking for something to divert your attention. Plus, the Moon's tie with Jupiter, suggests you might see finances and resources in a new light. Recycling possessions and selling or passing on what you no longer use, could leave you feeling freer, with more space for things you really do need.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
Ready for a different perspective on life? The company you keep and the hobbies you indulge may not be enough to satisfy a deeper thirst. Uranus in its retro phase can find you eager to seek out something that hits that sweet spot. Perhaps you need to embrace a talent you have that could be in demand. In this respect, it's not receiving but sharing that will bring you satisfaction.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
A brilliant flash of an idea can leave you excited at what might be about to unfold. This inspiration could come intuitively, or it may arrive while having a relaxing shower or bath. If you've been struggling with an issue, the answer can arrive suddenly and catch you unawares, so be sure to write it down. Ready to network? Whether online or off it, might further key interests.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
Your friends may come out with things that give you goosebumps, especially if they're related to something you need to know but haven't spoken about. You might also get a call or visit from someone you haven't seen in a while, and this could fire you up in a good way. Yet some discussion could be necessary to clear up a misunderstanding, allowing it to heal at long last.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
Unexpected offers can come your way. and you only need to be alert and available to embrace them. As the Moon aligns with Jupiter in your sector of goals and ambitions though, your instincts may be telling you something different. Look at opportunities closely. as there could be some aspects that are good and others that are not so useful to you. Stay on the ball, Leo!
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
Feeling excited? It could be down to the New Moon in your sign tomorrow. With maverick Uranus part of the picture, you'll be ready for new adventures. So, if you have something in mind, don't let it get away. If you're keen to travel or have other brilliant ideas in mind, this is the time to set them in motion. It's also possible that something might come out of the blue and surprise you.
Libra 24 September - 23 October
The ambiance can feel electric due to a combination of influences, and this could coincide with an attraction to someone you encounter. You may be in their company for a short while and yet find them truly exhilarating. There might be a deeper link with this person that you sense, but don't quite understand. You could also feel drawn to stay in touch, without knowing why.
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
It's worth varying your social routine as good things can happen if you do, Scorpio. With a new phase beginning tomorrow, doors could open if you're ready to move in other circles and explore new interests. And connecting with those who have power of influence might also work to your benefit, especially if you have a project or plan that requires someone to pull a few strings.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
Your routines may not go like clockwork, so it helps to simplify things as far as possible. A relaxed and flexible approach could be just what's needed to handle an unexpected snafus. There can be an upside to the day not going to plan though, and that is finding new ways to accomplish your goals. Mind, your horoscope suggests some hearty exercise might do you good if you need to let off steam, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
If a hobby piques your interest, it could be something that you return to often. And you may be alerted to this due to the suggestion of a friend. This might fit in nicely with a desire to relax, unwind and take a break, by trying out activities that engage your mind, and that allow you to forget about more serious projects for a while. A short break can do you so much good.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
Changes on the home front could leave you excited by the possibilities open to you. You may feel a tad resistant at first, but as you reflect on this further you might begin to see just how amazing it can be. Going ahead could turn aspects of your life upside down, but the results will be transformative, and perhaps give you a renewed sense of freedom and adventure, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
The Sun's link with Uranus suggests that the truth could come out today, and it may do so quite by accident. If you've been holding something back for fear that it might upset someone, this can bring things to a head, but in a way that encourages discussion and closure. Someone may be shocked or surprised, but there's also a suggestion that they suspected it all along.