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Horoscopes Thursday 5th September 2019

Published: Thursday, 5 September 2019, contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Horoscopes Thursday 5th September 2019

Thoughtful Mercury's positive tie to sobering Saturn can be a very down-to-earth aspect that might see us being very productive.

It is good for planning and business affairs and for making sure the details are correct before we go ahead with anything. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 5th September 2019 please see below...

Horoscopes Thursday 5th September 2019

Aries 21 March - 20 April

A desire to aim high and be the best you can be, could dominate the coming days, and may find you working hard to make the most of potent aspects. This can be helpful if you have done the preparation and know what you are doing. If you take a leap of faith and hope for the best though, go easy, as researching your options first is more likely to bring you what you want Aries. 

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

There could be something very compelling about the coming weeks. You seem to be on the verge of an exciting adventure that could get more and more involved the more you commit to it. It could draw you into activities that can change and transform your life, and that might open new doors for you. Still, it can help to be mindful of each step and to let your instincts lead the way.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

A childhood dream may resurface and could lead you on an exciting journey of discovery. With a Quarter Moon in your home zone, conversation with a family member could see you digging into your memories, some of which might prove very revealing and inspiring. Tapping into these could bring great pleasure and may be something to reflect on, and perhaps to take further.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

With quick-thinking Mercury in your communication zone angling towards expansive Jupiter, you may wonder if an idea of yours has potential, or if you are taking on more than you can handle. The only way to find out may be to make a start and see how you get on. Tackling it step by step can see you developing self-assurance, even if the results take a while to show up for you.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

You may begin to feel more confident about showcasing your creative abilities and perhaps taking them further, and this can be down to the presence of lively Jupiter forging ahead in your leisure zone. You may be aware that you could make money from certain skills, and the urge to do so could get stronger. Now is the time Leo, as if you plan this out properly you can do well.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

If you can think it, you can do it. At least this is what the cosmos seems to imply, with the present aspects encouraging you to be bold and refuse to let any fears phase you. Over the coming week or so, you may have a chance to reconnect with abilities that have remained largely in the background. Neglected something you're passionate about? Your horoscope reveals now is the time to embrace it again.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

If a key issue is important to you, then it may be worth doing something about it, whatever it takes. A compelling blend of influences can see you keen to put some effort into a family matter, because you can see how life might improve if you do. And it seems you could be right. Whatever you are considering could leave you and others happier if you find a solution.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

Time spent discussing important matters over the days ahead won't be wasted, and could encourage good relationships between friends and groups. In fact, this can be a great opportunity to bring up any plans that may be on the cards for the future. While you may be optimistic that all will go well, the feedback you get from others can be invaluable for so many reasons.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

With a Quarter Moon in your sign, this can be an opportunity to consider how you feel about certain plans and goals you have recently set in motion. Do you need to make any key changes or are you happy with the way things are going? If you plan to continue, now is the time to make those adjustments and carry on. Not happy? It's not too late to drop it and try something else.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

With a potent lunar phase in a sensitive zone, you may notice how you are holding yourself back unnecessarily Capricorn. With the present backdrop showing so much potential, you might find dealing with it makes all the difference. It may be a limiting thought or a past issue that has tended to stop you in your tracks, but with courage and confidence you can move beyond it.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

If you are quieter and perhaps less sociable than usual, family or friends may wonder if there is something wrong. It may just be that you need some time to yourself though, and that if you take it you might soon feel recharged. There may be a matter that you need to resolve fairly fast, and this can give you the opportunity to do just that, and move forward feeling brighter and lighter.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

Is someone too critical of your plans? Today's lunation suggests you either listen and make a few modifications, or continue regardless. If you have found their input to be too pernickety, then you don't have to follow their suggestions. Sometimes it can be better to make a few mistakes, as this way you'll have first-hand experience of what can go wrong and how best to correct it.

Horoscopes Thursday 5th September 2019

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