The Libra Moon aligns with Jupiter in Aquarius which is perfect for get-togethers and excellent for teamwork.
You may feel confident about pairing up with someone to accomplish something. Or could a new relationship be on the cards? For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 28th December 2021 please see below...
Horoscopes Tuesday 28th December 2021
Aries 21 March - 20 April
It's not like you to tip-toe around an issue, but today's edgy lunar ties with Venus and Pluto could put you in a difficult, or even embarrassing, position. You may not feel in the mood for a clash, but if you are in the right, then you need to make it clear, no matter how much someone tries to brush this off. Once you get into your stride though, you'll be quite devastating, Aries.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
Is someone trying to manipulate you? You may sense that despite their pleasant smile they have you sussed, and know just what to do or say to get you to follow their lead. Trust your gut on this, Taurus. Mars in a very instinctive part of your chart is sending you a red alert. If you feel something is up, then act on it. Say no and mean it. Repeat, until they realize they can't win.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
A desire to relax may clash with the need to get on with something that you don't want to deal with. It's not much of a choice, which is why you might tend to distract yourself with texts, emails, surfing the web, and anything else that will put off the moment of truth. But this day could also be a great success if you start with the worst job on your list and go from there.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
There is the potential for drama, as fired-up Mars makes an irritable angle to volatile Uranus, that could put you at odds with someone. And it might happen by accident if you say something that triggers them. Whatever happens, stay cool and let it go, Cancer. The person who seems annoyed isn't angry with you, as they were likely already on edge, so smile and take it in your stride.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
Don't hesitate for too long before making a move. Today's Moon/Pluto angle hints that a window of opportunity may open, but will soon close. If you pause for too long you'll lose out, Leo. The moment this registers with you, jump in with both feet, even if it takes you into new territory. Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained. On your marks, get ready, go! You can do it.
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
This could be one of those days when it's impossible to please everyone, so you might as well please yourself. Your generous gesture may not be appreciated, in which case, it's time to pull out all the stops and make this a time to unwind and indulge. What secret pleasures have been calling out to you, Virgo? Whatever they are go for it, and make sure you do this more often.
Libra 24 September - 23 October
A conversation or event could bring up feelings that may have registered in your system long ago, Libra. You might not realize this right away, and instead end up in a mood or perhaps saying something to release these pent-up emotions. Before it gets to this stage take some time out for quiet reflection, and you'll get a glimpse of what started this. Once you know, you can relax.
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
You may be on high alert, with your antennae prodding and probing every conversation and look, and wondering what the secret motive is. If so, dial down the need to find proof, and instead go with the flow. People will make themselves very clear if you give them a chance. Today's Moon/Pluto tie is good for analysing yourself though, and understanding why you feel as you do.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
Trying to tailor your personality to fit in with others doesn't work, and people might sense that you aren't being real. The Moon's ties to Venus and Pluto can prompt you to trade your authenticity for a peaceful evening, due to an unwillingness to rock the boat. Mars in your sign is encouraging you to do the opposite, and be totally yourself. You'll light up the room if you do.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
You could misunderstand someone's remark, and consider this person to be making a subtle dig when they're not. Under today's sky, they might give you a wonderful compliment, and you can still take it the wrong way. Before you answer back Capricorn, ask yourself what is really bugging you. Once you understand what it is, your horoscope suggests you'll feel quite at ease with those you talk to.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
You could start the day in a state of paranoia, as you fill your mind with worse-case scenarios and thoughts about how something is bound to fail. Yet you may be proved completely wrong, Aquarius. As the day unravels things could swing the other way, as one small success leads to another and another. Soon, you'll be firing on all cylinders and find you can do no wrong.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
You may know more about certain friends than you're letting on, and this might be down to your intuitive and sensitive nature. You can pick up on their moods and feelings, their thoughts and intentions, without them saying a word. So, it's wise to trust your instincts if you feel that someone needs your help but is too embarrassed to ask. Reaching out could be so appreciated.