Yesterday luscious Venus moved into analytical Virgo for a stay of a few weeks, which suggests that we will show our devotion and loyalty by helping out.
We may prefer to do small but meaningful things to support friends and loved ones rather than opt for anything too elaborate. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 11th July 2018 please see below...
Horoscopes Wednesday 11th July 2018
Aries 21 March - 20 April
As the Sun continues its journey through your home zone, you may feel like stepping back from the world. And tempting though it can be to talk about your plans, quietly mulling them over instead may be the better option. There can be potential for change in the air, and this might involve your work life balance Aries. Sorting it out to your advantage could be quite a relief.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
As electric Uranus moves further into your sign, your charisma can increase. And you could surprise yourself over coming days with the original ideas you have, especially if they are linked to creative projects or recreational activities. Discussing your initiatives with friends and family could encourage them to join in, as they could be equally excited about what may be in store.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
You likely won't lack opportunities to make an impression, but to do so, you might need a clear idea of what you hope to accomplish. However, with the Sun in your sector of values aligning with ethereal Neptune in a more prominent zone, you might not find this as easy as it should be. It may come down to understanding your priorities, and once you do, everything can flow.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
With positive Jupiter now pushing forward in your sector of leisure and fun, the coming months can have a very dynamic and delightful quality. If you are keen to be creative, to travel to new places and to meet exciting people, this is certainly the time to go and enjoy yourself. In addition, with another sparkling aspect showing, you may relish a family celebration or get-together.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
With the Sun in a secluded sector, an important decision about your lifestyle and your more heartfelt desires may soon need to be made. The coming Solar Eclipse can have personal resonance for you as the Sun is your guiding planet. Moreover, any events that occur over coming days can be worth noting, especially if it seems something crucial is about to shift Leo.
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
The Moon in your social zone aligns with both sweet Venus and liberating Uranus, which could bring opportunities for a very special social encounter that can be like a breath of fresh air. This could contrast with a social situation that might be coming to a head whereby you and another need to resolve an issue. If emotions are running high, it can help to keep things in perspective.
Libra 24 September - 23 October
There may be times when you have let a good idea go, only to find that someone else has followed it through and profited. This time though, you may be more inclined to seize an opportunity and make the most of it. And even if a part of you doubts your ability to make a success of it, the coming Eclipse encourages you to push past such thoughts and go for it Libra.
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
A social event could be delightful and bring you into contact with interesting people. Talking with them could inspire you to see key issues from perspectives that you might never have considered, and could be quite a revelation. There may be one matter though, where you feel justified in standing your ground. Others might say you are wrong, but this likely won't deter you.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
With the Moon in your sector of relating making some very stimulating links today, stay alert for some news or a suggestion that could be valuable to you. Someone may have your best interests at heart and want to see you do well. Your horoscope hints this could be a relationship to cultivate for the future, as even if you don't see too much of each other, there can be mutual benefit in staying in touch.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
Many things may be of interest to you, but over coming days one of them might deserve your undivided attention. This could be a relationship issue that is best resolved as soon as possible. If you have avoided doing so because it requires an uncomfortable conversation, then take it gently Capricorn. The other person may feel the same, so adopting a more sensitive tone can be wise.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
If you need help with a minor family dilemma, then asking someone you trust for their take on this issue could resolve it. What emerges from your conversation could seem like a stroke of genius and might leave you quite excited by the possibilities ahead. If this involves redecorating your home or a planned social event, then it can work out nicely and be well received by others.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
With jovial Jupiter now pushing forward in your sector of far horizons, the coming weeks and months can be excellent for vacations, or perhaps a longer more leisurely journey. If you have hit road blocks over past months regarding your studies, a legal situation or perhaps have had to postpone a trip, then progress can now be made, and your hard work may soon bear fruit Pisces.