Horoscopes August 2019

Published: Thursday, 1 August 2019 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Horoscopes August 2019

The Sun and Venus forge a glorious three week conjunction in the Sun's home sign of Leo, bringing a really welcome shift of emphasis to the heavens. August also features a rare Black Moon. However, from the 18th of the month as Mars powers into Virgo, a succession of energy's build up in this sign, asking us to grapple with practicalities. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes August 2019 please see below...

Monthly Horoscopes for August 2019

Aries 21 March - 20 April

You'll be in your element creatively and romantically for much of this month, with this being a peak time to indulge activities you relish the most. From August 18th, you may be keen to get organized and enhance productivity, as fiery Mars your ruler enters Virgo along with other key planets. Ready to embrace a new wellness routine? This is the time to make a fresh start Aries.

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

If you enjoy entertaining, then expect plenty of company. Keen to beautify your place too? By the time you have finished, it could be very impressive. As the emphasis shifts to your leisure zone, consider indulging in some pampering or one or two soothing spa treatments. A sizzling Venus Mars tie on August 24th, can see a romantic bond becoming much cosier, if you desire this.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

You could be very persuasive this month, and easily able to hold your own in any negotiations. In addition, with upbeat Jupiter turning direct from August 11th, the hard work you have put into romantic and business relationships should start to pay off. Homely activities will appeal from week three, with some exciting developments on the cards that you hadn't anticipated, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

This month may be easier on you and could see you enjoying opportunities for some relaxing self-care. The August 15th Full Moon, may bring deep-seated feelings to the surface though. Working on the inside to let them go could bring a gradual improvement to soul bonds and financial matters. Paperwork in a muddle? A desire to get things in order will resolve this.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

Whatever you are involved with, you'll enjoy the action and drama that is part of life in the Leo camp. With electric Uranus rewinding in your sector of goals though, the cosmos is encouraging you to pace yourself regarding career or job changes. Slow and steady is best! Ready to upgrade finances? The New Moon on August 30th, is perfect for kick-starting a new budget or savings plan.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

You'll benefit from times of quiet reflection and a chance to get your priorities in order. Use coming weeks to complete projects and do some emotional house clearing, then you'll be set when the Sun enters Virgo on August 23rd. With an emphasis on your sign, there's a chance to focus on matters that are important to you. Selfish? Absolutely not! This is your time to shine.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

You might enjoy the social whirl, with many opportunities for getting out and about. Plus, with expansive Jupiter turning direct from August 11th, consider enhancing your network of contacts. Sultry Venus in Leo, hints at the potential for delightful romantic sparks too. The party gradually winds down, and from week three Libra, a chance to reflect and recharge can be very healing.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

This can be a time of recognition for work done well, and for promoting your skills and talents. Focused action might see you making sterling progress. From now, insights may lead to actions that positively influence key bonds. From August 18th, your social sector comes very much alive. Time to relish in the pleasure of good company Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

Exotic travels and a chance to traverse new terrain, can see you eager to explore and relish new faces and places. Keen to study? If you find the perfect course, then consider having a go as it could benefit you in the future. As Jupiter turns direct on August 11th, you'll find delays to your plans begin to melt way. Ready for the spotlight Archer? Opportunity knocks from week three.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

Using your creative flair to tackle financial and business affairs could improve matters. Furthermore, you may find that digging deep to the root cause of emotional difficulties and gently resolving them, can bring healing in key areas. From August 18th, a chance to grasp new opportunities or to do more travelling, could be a real tonic. Eager for a fresh start? Take that leap of faith Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

There will be plenty of give and take in key relationships, with the chance of a sparkling social life. With Uranus reversing in your domestic zone, there may be some delays around key projects, so it can help to review your options. Unexpected events or fresh insights could see you thinking along new lines though, and what you originally wanted may no longer fit in with your plans.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

You tend to take pride in your work, and this month, it could lead to a promotion or news about a job or business contract. You may be busy, but the opportunities that come out of this are worth the extra effort. There is also activity around a key goal or ambition after a time of delays. Your social life and love life perk up too Pisces, with August 24th being great for a scintillating date.

Horoscopes August 2019

Monthly Horoscopes Overview

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