Saturn and Uranus are chaffing against one another once more this month, so a degree of tension is possible. But the Sun and Venus in Leo encourage us to strut our stuff, but know our limitations too. The Full Moon of the 12th may see us need to break free from clingy ties, and with Mars arriving in Gemini for 7 long months, finding our voice is key. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes August 2022 please see below...
Monthly Horoscopes for August 2022
Aries 21 March - 20 April
Expansive Jupiter, now retrograde in your sign, forges a potentially lucky link to Venus in Leo on the 18th. If you're single and looking, this brings opportunities for some fun and romance. Indeed, the planet of hope is giving you a taste of how life will be in 2023. But before that, his rewind to your 12th house, will also offer potential for inner reflection. So, do relax and bask in the healing energies of Chiron, our wounded healer, who is also blessed by a harmonious angle from Venus in Leo on the 24th, helping to soothe your senses, and especially if you feel you deserve or need some “Me Timeâ€. The Full Moon on the 12th, squares you up to choose which of the exciting projects you have in mind. Mars, arrives in Gemini on the 20th, giving you a chance to grapple with your ideas, everyday fitness and interactions with people more locally, and energy can rise as the month winds down.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
You'll likely be firing on all cylinders this month, Taurus. Your enthusiasm is commendable, but don't allow yourself to become psychologically overwhelmed. Take advantage of Saturn's slowdown in your career sector, to take your time with new opportunities, as by the Full Moon on the 12th, you'll be clearer about streamlining your workload. Retrograde Jupiter makes a harmonious angle to your ruler Venus in Leo midmonth. So, you may be creatively looking at how you can make your living space more colourful. And even with Mars arriving in your financial sector, for a lengthy stay in week three, bringing opportunities to energise your income, you can still enjoy some relaxing fun times at home and to reflect on how much you've achieved. Your social life will likely be busier from the 23rd, as the Sun enters Virgo Season, your sister Earth Sign.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
You can be full of creative ideas as the month starts, and happily expressing them to people in your local community or online too. Innovative Uranus's slow-down from later this month, is set to give you the opportunity to go within, to look at what you have learnt about yourself, and how you can assertively discover a more energetic way to achieve your goals and especially longer-term hopes. You have a gift for communication Gemini, and that can see a sparkling encounter midmonth, and a writing project may get the green light or go from strength to strength. A very important development occurs on the 20th, when the active energies of Mars arrives in your sign for an extended stay to March 2023, and you'll find your thoughts and ideas have an edge to them. Just be careful you're not too assertive! Mind, Steady Eddie Saturn is slowing down certain plans to travel, so use the time delays to sign up for an online course, to improve or share your knowledge. Later in the month, home, family and emotional strands, hold more sway.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
Money has been a hot topic for many of us this year, and your finances are under the spotlight as the month begins, with beneficial Jupiter, bringing opportunities in your career to increase your income and fire up your energy, as you begin to see how some of your innovative ideas can become money-spinners. Another moment of serendipity can present itself midmonth, and your natural warmth may draw this opportunity to you. Dreamy Neptune continues to see you think of how your life can open up. Whilst the Full Moon on the 12th, is making you take a realistic look at where you closely interact with others, the energy of this Lunation can also bring about creative outcomes. With the assertive energies of Mars arriving in your sector of inner reflection for a lengthy stay, it may make you feel restricted in the way you express yourself. But use this time to find ways to understand your most deeply held frustrations. But equally, don't forget to enjoy yourself too, Cancer.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
With so many changes happening with your career and public profile and standing, do try to pace yourself. And with a Full Moon on the 12th in your relationship sector, combined with the boundaries of Saturn slowing down, this can be an opportunity to reflect on the ties that work, and let go of those involvements you've outgrown. Mars arrives in Gemini on the 20th, and brings a boost of energy to ideas you have for your future, and how to bring them to the collective, whilst Jupiter's bountiful energy can bring travel opportunities, especially when retrograde Jupiter links to Venus in your sign on the 18th, and can create a delightful frisson of energy you've been waiting for. The Virgo New Moon on the 27th can bring tangible benefits. And if it does, believe you deserve them, Leo.
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
Inner reflection will help you cope with the unexpected changes to travel plans or where you are most emotionally invested, and if so, see such changes as being for a reason. Retrograde Jupiter is making a wonderful aspect to Venus in Leo on the 18th, this could stimulate your psyche, creatively encouraging you to embrace inner transformation, and with strict Saturn's help, see you marshal your time and energies more keenly. Indeed, why not take advantage of the Full Moon on the 12th, to prune your working life or every day demands to a more manageable level. Mars, arriving in Gemini from the 20th, for a very long occupation, is going to give a boost to your career this month and right into 2023, so prepare for greater acclaim! The New Moon on the 27th, is in your sign Virgo, perfect for refocusing and re-energizing current strands or firing up new beginnings.
Libra 24 September - 23 October
As you step into August, try to take any fluctuations in joint finances and investments in your incomparable stride. If Uranus springs some surprises, it's nothing your fair-minded Libra energy can't balance out. With fortunate Jupiter in your relationship sector, you'll still be basking in the experience of lucky opportunities for love, and a journey or connection with someone very special around the 18th may be telling. But equally, you may find opportunities to kick back and relax and have some fun with friends. You'll notice a slowdown this month in many areas of your life, which you'll likely find welcome, as by the Full Moon on the 12th, decisions about how much entertaining you're going to do, as opposed to having some quieter 'me' time, will be necessary. Mars arrives in your travel sector, for an extended period of time, bringing exciting ideas for future travel or to learn new ideas, or share some of your special knowledge and experiences too. What's not to like!
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
Restless Uranus in your relationship sector has seen lots of excitement, and possibly extraordinary twists and turns around personal relationships. But it's also giving you an insight into your authentic needs, and this can continue this August. The planet of restrictions, Saturn, is retracing his steps, and giving you celestial food for thought at home and around your need for security and stability. These two planets are in conflict, and finding the balance in these two vital areas of your world, can be the key. By the Full Moon on the 12th, you have an opportunity to gain greater insights around all this. But then, this can give you time to enjoy some dreamy creative pleasures, thanks to mystical Neptune's slowdown. The helpful angle from retrograde Jupiter to Venus in Leo, on the 18th, brings opportunities to advance your career. Mars is going to activate joint resources over the next few months, and transformative Pluto's slowdown is helping you communicate clearly, so that by the New Moon on the 27th, you'll be ready to launch a new project.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
Foreign climes may beckon, or at the very least a change of scene. If you do stay closer to home, fun opportunities are possible to relax and enjoy friendships. Your wonderful ruler Jupiter, lines up with Venus in Leo on the 18th, bringing an opportunity for a visitor from a distance. And Mars is going to spice up your significant relationship over the next few months, so you're in for an exciting time with your other half. While transformational Pluto is working hard to help you find new income sources. And news mid-month on the career front, sees the possibilities unfolding for launching a project you've been working on. The New Moon on the 27th invigorates your career hopes, as long as relationships are harmonious.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
If a house move or planned alterations are taking longer than you thought, turn it into a positive. With the wise help of your ruling planet, Saturn's constructive energies, helping to restructure your finances, which could save you money. There are certainly a lot of unexpected fun developments in your social life, which could even include some passionate encounters for some lucky Goats. The Full Moon on the 12th, can be a springboard to greater financial understanding, and whilst Jupiter, the planet of luck, now retrograde, forges a lovely link to Venus, midmonth a stroke of luck helps you make a positive decision about your living space. Mars will energise your daily working routine, but watch out you don't overextend yourself, as you've got this active energy here for several months. Whilst the Virgo New Moon on the 27th in your fellow earth sign, gives you an appetite for spontaneity.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
Your significant relationship is under the spotlight this month, as you both deal with upheavals at home, and the surprising changes you are currently experiencing. The Full Moon in your sign on the 12th, shows how much you're being urged by transformative Pluto, to allow your inner self to be reborn. And new birth is always painful, but the rewards can be worth it. Jupiter, our planet of opportunity and luck, is now retrograde in Aries, and makes a lovely link to Venus in Leo on the 18th. Could you be receiving the news you've been waiting for from your other half? If you're single and looking, you may not have to go far from home, as love could be literally around the corner. And Mars brings you opportunities for fun, exciting opportunities, and maybe some excitement in your romantic life, when things could get quite raunchy for some lucky Water Bearers. This active energy is here for several months, so pace yourself! And don't forget, the universe always has your back.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
Relax Pisces! Our teacher planet Saturn, wants you to take time for inner reflection this month, and link up with more sincere friends. The Full Moon on the 12th, will bring you awareness of what needs to change in your inner life. So take advantage of life slowing down a bit this month before it starts to speed up later this year. With Mars taking up residence in your home sector for an extended period, from the 20th, you may find yourself thinking more about actively making lots of changes to your living space, moving, or working from home. Whilst bountiful retrograde Jupiter is working hard to increase your finances, which can work into the year ahead, helped by a lovely link to Venus in Leo on the 18th. Your other half may come up with a great idea around this time. The New Moon on the 27th, brings an opportunity to start anew in a current relationship, or connect in a new involvement.