Monthly Horoscopes December 2023

Published: Friday, 1 December 2023 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Monthly Horoscopes December 2023

Mercury slams on the celestial brakes this month, so festive travel plans will need care but breaking out can appeal to many, especially with the Sagittarius New Moon linking to the North Node in Aries, which will encourage us to be bold. Christmas Day is lit up a bubbly Gemini Moon and enchanting link between Venus and Neptune yet some misunderstandings can bring the curtain down on the year, as Mercury and Mars clash with the dreamy Neptune. Still the Sun's joyous link with Jupiter can bring some fortune too. For your in-depth December Monthly Horoscope Forecast for each sign, please see below...

Aries 21 March - 20 April

With a cluster of energy in your sister fire sign of Sagittarius, the desire to break out and be more spontaneous can be strong. Travel plans may though be disrupted, so do prepare a plan B. Although Neptune goes direct on the 6th, he continues to subtly undermine your drive. That said, the New Moon of the 12th links perfectly to the North Node in your sign, urging you to trust your Instincts. But with Neptune squaring to this, little issues can easily take on an exaggerated importance. Business matters need care from the 13th, as Mercury Retrogrades. A sudden attraction or expense can occur from the 18th to the 23rd. The Winter Solstice and the Sun's fine link to Jupiter on the 27th, could bring rich opportunities, but being sharp on the details remains essential.

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

Venus, your gorgeous ruling planet, moves into a truly lovely location on the 4th, and could bring some interesting and delightful encounters your way over the festivities. Your fine taste can also see you lavish those you care about with thoughtful gifts. Yet the disruptor planet, in your sign all month and in Retrograde, clashes with the New Moon on the 12th. And if you feel taken for granted, you could push back between the 18th and the 23rd in a way which surprises someone. Single? A sudden attraction could see a clinch under the mistletoe. Getting away from your usual haunts might appeal in the gap between Yule and the turn of the year, with a lovely encounter possible as the celestial curtain comes down on the year.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

Your speed of thought and dexterity can be compromised when your ruler, the fleet footed Messenger planet Mercury, is in Retrograde or in its shadow phase, as it is this month. But there are still big opportunities for you to shine Gemini, and the New Moon could be a great springboard to connect to like-minded folk, with the North Node so supportive. However, in your worldly interactions and at work, someone's changeable nature or constant goal post moving, may prove frustrating. Yet some unexpected fortune can occur for you as 2023 ends, and it could be linked to past efforts, links or legacies, and it will be surprisingly good from a financial viewpoint.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

Social possibilities are boosted hugely from the 4th, but do expect some unexpected changes of plan around meet ups and dates, with Mercury rewinding from midmonth. Uranus is pushing you to be more daring in all your life choices, so the New Moon could challenge you to change from a role at work that is safe and comfortable to something more challenging. For now, you may decide to stick rather than twist, but early next year you could find yourself embracing a fresh start which really engages you. The Winter Solstice can be very positive for your interactions, but practical demands might still snag things as Mercury inverts to Sagittarius on the 23rd. The Full Moon in your sign on the 27th is blessed by the magical vibe of Jupiter, and may see you end the year feeling very upbeat.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

The New Moon on the 12th can be very good for you, if you take into account that as much as this urges you to have fun and join in with the festivities, there may be some competing demands. Little details might need attention too. Getting too caught up in the big picture could see you miss something important. As the year comes to a close, there are fabulous possibilities for you, but these could be affected by your closest involvements and some hazy information. Still, the wonderful Sun/Jupiter link of the 27th, can see you spring into 2024 in confident and expressive form.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

A surprise conversation between the 18th and the 23rd, could leave you all of a tither, but not in a bad way. An unexpected remark might flatter you, or someone may even be flirty. The Winter Solstice is always good for you in terms of getting into the Christmas spirit, but this year there might be some last minute family wrangles or changes of plan. For New Year's this year, sticking with familiar places and faces can appeal to you most. But if you’ve longed yearned for a long haul trip, this could be when you find yourself putting the finishing touches to the planning of this.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

The New Moon can see an uptick in the pace of communications buzzing backwards and forwards between you and others, but that doesn't mean some things won't change at the last moment, or to be honest, there won't be any glitches. Still, you could use the period from Yule to the turn of the year to recharge your batteries, and chances are New Year's Eve will be livelier than you expect. Jupiter provides an uplift for us all at the end of the year, and in your case it may be an unexpected but hugely welcome financial boost.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

Venus moving into your sign on the 4th, is going to ramp up your powers of attraction, which are probably just going to be refined as much as given a complete overhaul. Someone you encounter in week three will either end up in a clinch under the mistletoe, or if you’re less enamoured by a current muse, see you look to cut free. All this is hardly likely to be dull or completely predictable, but what this astrologer tells you now is, year 2024 can turn out to be a big year for your interactions with others, and a new desire to get the basis of your life secure and more rewarding is going to be hard to resist.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

Your New Moon this month on the 12th, is blessed by a superb link to the North Node in your sister Fire Sign of Aries. This is asking you to trust your hunches. But will you, Archer? Because the angle of Neptune could see you double guessing yourself, and also feeling that you’re lacking the extra spark this event usually gives you each year. This is all about not expecting too much of yourself. You will find that by the end of the year, as your ruler links brilliantly to the Sun and goes direct on the 31st, you do start to feel the force. And with the combination of Mercury, despite its Retrograde, Mars and Venus all in your sign, your single mindedness will be tested, but can come through in 2024.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

This is a month when your popularity can soar, but equally the people who don't really appreciate you will be revealed, so expect some churn in your friendship circle and social situation. The Winter Solstice will give you some extra brio, as the Sun returns to your sign, but still be mindful of trust issues. Yet when the cosmic dust clears on the embers of 2023, the next year does offer you the chance to really get in touch with your creativity and flair. And an interest in natural healing and the holistic sphere could see a new you evolving over the next twelve months, and a desire to get a clearer sense of your self-worth, but some people or interests may make way.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

Venus riding high in your chart from the 4th and financial uncertainty easing on the 6th, may be linked, for along with the New Moon of the 12th, your people skills can give you an urge to network, but particularly around your professional situation. Yet one helpful strand might not go forwards at quite the pace you'd like, possibly because the people you need to deal with may not have a clear enough idea of what they want. You could find your energy banks running low from Christmas to New Year, but then surprise yourself by how much more sociable you can feel to see in the New Year. It may be tricky to stick to any diet plans, and before you really engage with your more virtuous New Year's resolutions, you might find yourself partying hard!

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

Your two ruling planets of Jupiter and Neptune are at the heart of the cosmic action this month, with both going direct after long rewinds. You can find yourself in demand this month too, and there are professional opportunities, as long as you have a clear plan when presenting your skills. Socially, things really start to fizz once the Sun enters Capricorn on the 22nd with the Winter Solstice, and you may also be linking up with people you work with. The Full Moon of the 27th could turn out to be surprisingly fortunate, and this might also set up a choice if you start the month as a singleton but wish to meet someone new and exciting. Also expect more than one option to see in the New Year, but a conversation in week three could see you decide to head off somewhere completely different from your usual haunts.

Monthly Horoscopes December 2023

Monthly Horoscopes Overview

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