Monthly Horoscopes March 2022

Published: Tuesday, 1 March 2022 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Monthly Horoscopes March 2022

This month sees a number of big astrological events. The 2nd a gorgeous New Moon in Pisces, which is supported by the uplifting energies of Jupiter. Mars however, connects in a potentially abrasive way on the 3rd. With Venus and Mars moving to Aquarius on the 6th, this can though see a more sociable and cooperative time unfold. The Full Moon of the 18th asks us to juggle practical and more spiritual issues, but the Spring Equinox of the 20th brings renewal and the potential for fresh starts. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes March 2022 please see below...

Monthly Horoscopes for March 2022

Aries 21 March - 20 April

You'll have an opportunity to navigate the landscape of your soul, and find closure on issues that have caused you to feel tired and drained. There's also a major shift occurring in your sector of goals, that could see one door closing and another opening onto a sunny vista. From week one, your friends and social groups can be a source of fun and great support. And as the Sun enters your sign on the 20th, you'll be in your element. Ready to stand out from the crowd? Go for it! 

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

Have a dream that you'd like to get started on? The Pisces New Moon on the 2nd is perfect for taking the plunge. But to make as much progress as you'd like, there may be something you'll need to handle first. Put it on ice for now, and your focus can shift to getting your goals and career on an upward trajectory. As the Sun glides into Aries on the 20th it enters a secluded zone, so the coming four weeks might be an opportunity to slow down and reflect on your priorities, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

Keen to make a big splash? The weeks until March 20th can be helpful for promoting yourself, and getting your CV into the hands of the right people. The Pisces New Moon on the 2nd could boost your efforts to get things moving. A situation may reach a peak early on, and your clever handling of it means you'll quickly feel happier and more at ease. Your social life gets busier from week three, and time spent with those on your wavelength might bring out the best in you, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

You'll be ready for something different, and for a chance to take on board fresh opportunities or perhaps to travel. First though, you'll need to set firmer boundaries, especially if someone's manner and personality are too dominating. Resolve this, and even bigger and more positive changes may be on their way to you. The March 18th Full Moon could highlight a project you're more than ready for. From the 20th you'll be flying high, basking in the spotlight and loving it.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

Have a mystery to solve or an issue to get to grips with? The Sun in an intense zone means you'll be in detective mode, and very capable of finding answers. Something you discover could inspire a new beginning. Relationships gain in potency from March 5th. If you've put your work before your love life, things can change at this point. Ready to embrace new options which might involve travel or study? From week three, you'll be very eager to traverse new terrain, Leo.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

A fresh start could transform a relationship and give it a zestier outlook. The Pisces New Moon on the 2nd can help you, or even push you to break the ice and get to know someone better. An intense romance might crash and burn though, and secretly you may be pleased. You'll be free to get moving on something you're really excited about. If you feel emotional around the 16th, the Full Moon in your sign can be a call to get something out into the open and out of your system.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

Are your routines working for you? If not, this month brings opportunities to improve your lifestyle so you can begin to enjoy it. And the New Moon on the 2nd is excellent for initiating new and healthier habits. Keen to resolve an issue at home? Week one brings a chance for a breakthrough you've longed for. Plus, Venus and Mars walking in tandem from the 5th, hints at romance. Relationships are a focal point from the 20th, and you'll enjoy closer interactions.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

Keen to learn a skill or hobby, or enjoy a sparkling romance? The New Moon on the 2nd encourages you, and helps build momentum. An ongoing conflict could escalate in week one. A serious talk can resolve this, and you'll then be able to move on. As Venus and Mars enter your home zone in tandem, it's time to nurture yourself and take time out to recharge. Ready to embrace new and productive habits? From week three this becomes very possible, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

If you're ready to make changes around the home or are thinking of a bigger shake-up, such as a move, the New Moon on March 2nd could inspire you to get started. Finances may need sorting out so you can channel your money into your plans. An intense issue might come to a head in week one, and resolving this could pave the way for positive change and movement. From March 20th, you'll be keen to head off on an adventure, take up a sport or dive into a sizzling romance.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

You'll make a big breakthrough during the first week, that reverberates throughout the month. A matter you've been trying to resolve could peak, and this time you'll be ready to resolve it. As you do, a burden will be lifted, and you'll have more energy to put into plans and projects, and for enhancing your income. Home and family affairs become a priority from March 20th, and this can be a good time to unwind, get some extra sleep and look after yourself, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

As Mars and then Venus move into your sign on March 5th, you'll begin to feel brighter and happier. And it may partly be because you've found closure on an issue that has been a sore point for a while. You'll also benefit from the New Moon in week one, as it helps kickstart financial initiatives. As the Sun swings into Aries from week three, you'll be ready to push ahead with writing projects, studying, marketing and other ideas that have been waiting in the wings.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

The New Moon in your sign on the 2nd, gives you a fantastic opportunity to get moving on your goals, and quickly build momentum. The Sun in your sign until March 20th, means it's time to make a big splash and project yourself out into the world. You have so much to offer. Feelings can fluctuate around the Full Moon on March 18th, and could override logic when making decisions. From week three, you'll be ready to overhaul finances and enjoy some retail therapy.

Monthly Horoscopes March 2022

Monthly Horoscopes Overview

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