Tarot Forecast March 2016

Published: Tuesday, 1 March 2016 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Tarot Forecast March 2016

The tarot view for March is a mixed bag. The first card, the Six of Cups shows dissension between politicians and nation states. David Cameron will come under stronger criticism from the press, the pundits and especially from within his own party. He will show strength and continue to fight, but even the slightest mistake or misquote will be magnified and thrown back at him to his detriment. Fortunately for the Conservatives there will be plenty of bitter infighting within the Labour Party. Actions by Jeremy Corbyn and the leadership will see tempers roused. Corbyn will also put his foot in his mouth and be pilloried for it.

The tarot view for March...

The second card for March is the King of Swords, the stern and implacable judge. Syria will continue to be flattened by Russian bombs, and the armed forces of its government will relentlessly advance. The surrender of the rebel forces is on the horizon, despite toothless catcalls from the United States of America. Putin will begin casting his gaze over Daesh. Ultimately they will be destroyed.

The British debate over staying within Europe or sailing away will get even nastier. Popular support will continue to polarise into avid ‘in’ camps and avid ‘out’ camps. The ‘out’ campaign will strengthen despite the best propaganda of the BBC and their middle class ilk. Most of the media will punt for the ‘in’ brigade.

In Germany the reign of Angela Merkel will begin to disintegrate as riots and fighting on the streets involving migrants and refugees continues. A similar backlash against the newcomers will stir in Scandinavia. There will be at least one terrorist incident.

On a brighter note the end portion of the month is covered by the Ten of Coins. This heralds a restricted recovery in the financial markets of the United Kingdom. This could be reflected in the markets of some of the more stable EU states such as Germany and France.

The United States will be showing limited signs of recovery. This will be up and down as the tremors of the presidential race causes jitters in some quarters. A backlash will begin against Trump. China will continue to struggle but their government is on the verge of taking strong action to secure their economy from sliding further into recession. Their economy will not be helped by further shenanigans from within North Korea, a regime which is sliding from bad to worse.

Tarot Forecast March 2016

Monthly Tarot Forecast

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