Tarot Forecast May 2016

Published: Sunday, 1 May 2016 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.

The First Card

The first tarot of the month is the Nine of Cups. This multifaceted symbol will bring some good news into the British headlines: a birth, sporting success or marriage. As with all things, there is a Yin and Yang effect. The British public will become further disenchanted with their government. David Cameron’s hold on power will seem fragile as more of his colleagues are embroiled in questions over their investment and tax concerns. Ironically it will become obvious that he has done nothing wrong himself. The Labour party and certain corners of the media will be gunning for Tory blood. The Conservatives need to stay strong and concentrate on the real issues of running the country.

Public protests over various issues will make the headlines. The trainee doctors’ dispute will finally end. The public, and to a certain extent the press, will become disillusioned with the medics and the effects of their strike actions.

Europe referendum looms

The issue of the Europe referendum will loom larger. Not only tongues wagging on the streets but media discussion of lacklustre campaigning from both sides will fill the air. The government case against Brexit will lose ground and they will make mistakes. A significant response will be patriotic muttering in many quarters. It will become obvious that while the elite and their international business cronies want Britain within the European fold, ordinary people are largely forgotten or ignored in the pro-European arguments.

Expect a minor scandal within the Scottish National party.

The Second Card

The second tarot card the Ten of Coins creates some good news for British industry and further price rises within the property market. There will be mildly good vibes about the economy. Major unexpected changes will occur in the American presidential race.

The Third Card

Then with the third tarot card of the month, darkness falls. The Ten of Swords omens a death that will bring sadness to many. This is likely to be an international figure. Also within the symbol is an inkling of terrorist outrages. The worst of these will be beyond European borders. However, at least one British or European plot will be foiled, although it will raise many eyebrows and serious questions over national security.

There will be outrage in certain quarters about injuries and even deaths among the many refuges pressing on the newly erected border barriers of Macedonia, Hungary or Croatia. The same situation will begin to create public unrest and turmoil in Greece.

Tarot Forecast May 2016
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