Two planets move homes this week, three slam on the brakes. First up, Mercury returns home to Gemini, but Wednesday sees Venus in the Twins go Retrograde, as does Saturn Monday and Jupiter Thursday. But through all this potential for things to slow down, stop, pause, inhibit of frustrate, the Sun forges a fabulous angle to Pluto so if something needs to change or evolve, it can do so now. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 11th May 2020 please see below...
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March - 20 April
Fiery Mars glides into Pisces from midweek, which could slow things down as it puts the emphasis on a more reflective approach to life. At the same time, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter all turn retrograde so the pace can ease, offering a chance for new decisions and adjustments. Even so Aries, an inquisitive influence could find you eager to seek out new ideas and opportunities.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
Venus your ruler will rewind for around six weeks in your sector of resources, which paves the way for an objective assessment of your current financial situation. With other planets also regressing, the coming weeks can see you reviewing your affairs and preparing to make key decisions. Linking with friends might keep you buoyant and can be a source of inspiration too.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
As Mercury your ruler moves into Gemini, it can encourage you to be more expressive about your ideas, plans and desires. With fiery Mars entering your sector of goals from midweek, you may find this helpful for developing ideas and information gathering. This is not a time to rush into anything though, as the coming weeks and months might bring unexpected changes.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
You may be excited about key plans that could come up for discussion, but with Pluto already in reverse and jovial Jupiter retrograding from this week, it could take time for everything to come together and new decisions may be needed along the way. Yet you may be eager to expand your reach, and if doing so involves learning something new Cancer, then it can be well worth it.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
Your social life, relationships and lifestyle may be areas you are keen to review and reflect on, as Saturn, Venus and Jupiter rewind from this week. You might have second thoughts about plans and projects and could be ready to pare down your list of contacts if certain associations are no longer working. Mercury in Gemini can inspire you to link with those who are useful.
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
As articulate Mercury your ruler enters the topmost sector of your chart, it can accelerate the pace of events. Mind, with other influences underway including Venus rewinding in this same zone, there is no point in rushing into anything. Take baby steps as situations can change over coming weeks and months, and you'll need to be flexible and adaptable to stay on track with your plans.
Libra 24 September - 23 October
As sweet Venus your ruler begins her backwards dance from this week along with Saturn and Jupiter, time can seem to slow down. The ideas, opportunities and relationships that seemed so promising may benefit from a review and some key adjustments, which is a good thing. It's an opportunity to do some restructuring, allowing for things to blossom further down the line.
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
As dynamic Mars moves into your creativity zone, you may feel a rush of inspiration that can assist with creative ideas and projects, but that might also add some extra spice to a lively romance. With three planets going into reverse from this week though, you may begin to question certain plans, and this is fine. See them as a work in progress and allow for shifts and changes Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
As lively Mercury enters your sector of relating, it encourages conversation and a sharing of ideas. With Mars moving into Pisces, domestic matters can also move higher up the agenda, especially the task of decluttering. Not one, but three planets turn retrograde this week and these are Saturn, Venus and Jupiter, which could be an opportunity to reflect, restructure and reorganize.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
As practical Saturn your ruler regresses from this week along with Venus and Jupiter, there is no point in trying to make things go faster than they can. Be willing to let matters proceed naturally as by doing so, you'll more easily incorporate any necessary changes. Communication is ramped up from this week, and this could facilitate positive exchanges and a sharing of ideas Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
As convivial Mercury livens up your social sector, it encourages you to take up new skills or improve those you have already. Looking to date? Social media or the latest app can assist. With cautious Saturn retrograding in your sign though, this might be a time to reflect on and reframe your plans. Fiery Mars could encourage action on the financial front to help you stay more in control.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
Mars powers into your sign for a six week stay Pisces, bringing extra vitality and courage. With lively Mercury entering your home zone, this can be a good time to get organized. Saturn, Venus and Jupiter all go into reverse this week, and this can prompt some soul-searching, encouraging you to look at things from a different perspective that could usher in key changes.