Weekly Horoscopes 12th September 2022

Published: Monday, 12 September 2022 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Weekly Horoscopes 12th September 2022

The Sun is forging transformation links with both the spiritual energies of Neptune, and the deep and penetrative vibe of Pluto, and change is in the air, but so is the potential for the strident exchange of views. We can of course resist the realities of the alterations with face, but this may generate yet more tension. A complex week for sure. Weekly Horoscope Forecasts for WC 12th September 2022 please see below...

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March - 20 April

A strange attraction may show up this week, and it could be to a person or something you're fascinated by. As Venus angles towards Mars, this might not be your usual taste, but you may find it hard to resist anyway. The weekend highlights a delightful influence, that is excellent for get-togethers and other social events. Good things come from making new connections, Aries.  

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

You may find someone mesmerizing, but is getting to know them worth the effort? As mercenary as this seems, you'll be thinking along these lines when it comes to a friendship or a potential romance. And yet other influences hint that this is the right course of action, as for a time your judgement could be skewed. This weekend brings good things your way, so be excited, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

Giving your place a makeover? You and your family may have very different ideas about how it should look, which could lead to some conflict. And with Neptune in the mix, any advice you get might be flawed too. Keep searching, as you'll eventually come up with something that everyone is pleased with. Meeting up with old friends? The Quarter Moon hints at a happy reconciliation.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

An edgy Venus/Mars angle could highlight the feelings you have for someone. If there's a reason you can't share them, then frustration may loom large, Cancer. Don't try to force matters, instead relax, and let things unfold naturally. The weekend Quarter Moon encourages you to tie up loose ends, and to let go of anything that is preventing you moving forwards.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

Whether you spend on yourself or spend on others, there may be a tendency to let money run through your fingers. If you feel like treating yourself, then make it something that will benefit you, such as a relaxing massage or pampering session. The weekend has the potential to be very interesting. An outing or a new experience could net you friends you really sync with, Leo.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

While the Sun and Venus in your sign can boost confidence, your schedule may not go as planned. Edgy and ethereal influences could unearth conflict, or reveal that those you rely on might lack motivation. If you have something that needs to be done urgently, you may have to do it yourself. That way you'll stay in control, Virgo. From the weekend, progress looks more likely.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

An edgy Venus/Mars angle can find you wondering whether to move out of your comfort zone, or not. Should you take on a challenge, explore a new opportunity or hold back and wait until you feel more confident? With confusing energies in the mix, it's best not to rush into anything too fast. Make the most of the week though, as a get-together could be a fabulous occasion.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

The Sun's face-off with Neptune encourages you to be kind and caring, which may conflict with a need to be more business-like in key relationships. You'll need to find the middle path if you want to make progress. Plus, an edgy Venus/Mars angle could highlight your feelings for someone. If you can't talk about them, a compliment or small gift may get things moving.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

You may find it hard to summon the energy to work at your goals, even though you likely have some clever ideas that are worth exploring. Need to rest, Archer? Do it, as it can make all the difference. The weekend Quarter Moon in Gemini, encourages you to get help with finishing anything important. If you get an invite for a meal or event, it's worth making the effort.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

Your head may want one thing, and that is to knuckle down to work and get as much done as possible. And if others will chip in, then so much the better. Your heart can dream of expeditions, excursions and new discoveries, that make your heart sing. You might not be able to ditch your schedule, but don't go flat out either. A little time to do something different could recharge you.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

As luscious Venus angles towards Mars, you could feel a sense of frustration concerning a bond that has been on and off for a while. This might come to a head now, and lead to further tensions. If someone doesn't want to commit to a romance, project or collaboration, then it may be best to back off. You will be better using your energy on more fruitful and fulfilling associations.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

Someone may find you attractive, but do you feel the same about them? Their personality can contrast, and even conflict with yours. In this case, time will tell, Pisces. Plus, there's a dreamy quality around social and romantic relationships that could cast someone in a bewitching light, and leave you wondering how they really feel about you. In a few days, you'll know the truth.

Weekly Horoscopes 12th September 2022

Weekly Horoscopes Overview

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