Mercury sweeps into one of its two home zones of Gemini, after a sixty seven day extended residency in the earthy vibes of Taurus. This is going to add extra sparkle to the Sun/Venus in Gemini cominination, which in turn is stimulated by the vibrant mode of the planet of freedom, Uranus. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 13th June 2016 please see below...
Weekly Horoscopes 13th June 2016
Aries 21 March - 20 April
As this week begins, Mercury sweeps into its home zone providing a very special opportunity to you in particular Aries, to communicate with real conviction. The Sun and Venus also spend part of the week angling brilliantly to the devil may care energies of Uranus, the planet of surprises in your sign. This is urging you to be more go-getting - so take the initiative.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
A financial issue which has proved to be somewhat frustrating over the last couple of months can start to fall into place more positively. Something which happens in the background of your situation can influence this. This could be a key piece of information that you learn or something you remember from your past, which guides your moods in the here and now.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
As your ruler Mercury enters your sign, any uncertainties which have been to the fore since early April can soon start to fade. You can also find yourself determined to head in a brand-new direction, and could make some decisions this week on a snap judgement basis, but that doesn't mean to say that they won't be right for you. Cash can improve by the weekend.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
It's true that there is a big clustering of energy in the most private parts of your situation, with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, also influencing both the Sun and Venus. This can be a week when relationships and revelations can go hand in hand. However, by the week's end Venus glides into your own sign, and you may decide to indulge yourself, Cancer.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
Something spontaneous can happen this week, and if you go with the flow, you could end up having an absolutely brilliant time. It may be the opportunity to go off with a group of friends on a last-minute basis. However, anything you can do to challenge the everyday patterns of your situation can prove to be really enlivening and give you a new and deeper sense of purpose.
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
Be prepared for surprise developments in your professional situation. Someone that you have a lot of time for may be about to help in a way you just had not anticipated. In general, your relationships with people in positions of influence seem to link very closely with your prospects personally. The more flexible you are around all this, the better though Virgo.
Libra 24 September - 23 October
Your ruling planet Venus continues to be hugely influential, and it's going to be moving into a new home as this week draws to a close. However, along with the Sun she does spend part of this week co-operating with the planet of independence, Uranus. All this could see you being drawn to someone who has some kind of neat magnetism and charisma about their personality.
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
Your solar horoscopes sector of work, lifestyle and practicalities has on the whole been pretty restless in recent years. However, perhaps you've also been searching for something new and inspired to light up your life. This week could be an opportunity to grasp a new possibility. To really benefit from this, you probably will need to feel at the heart of things, rather than just a cog.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
You can be one of the most spontaneous members of the zodiac, but someone could surprise you this week, and in the most delightful way, and especially if there has been some sort of tension of late. The chance to put things on a better footing is certainly there and key is a willingness to engage and truly tune into what someone close is trying to tell you.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
This can be a fine week to get all sorts of details better organised, and especially on the home front. You can also have some wonderful flashes of inspiration. A practical problem which has niggled for far too long could suddenly be resolved by looking at it again, but in a completely fresh light. Relationship matters also really start to sparkle from Saturday for you.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
With Mercury arriving in the most exuberant part of your horoscope, after being trapped in a very private zone since early April, you can find yourself finally switching back into top gear. Your modern ruler Uranus also forges fantastic links to both the Sun and Venus, and this can be a seven-day period where an opportunity truly knocks, romantically or socially.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
Have you ever thought of working from home Pisces? Or perhaps better ordering the hours that you spend around home and family needs. Bringing greater flexibility to bear in your everyday schedule can help you to create exactly the type of domestic environment which you've dreamed of. By the weekend, you may want to invite others round to share it with you.