Pisces energy continues to be very much to the fore, until Sunday, when the Sun returns to Aries and there is the Spring Equinox and the start of the Astrological New Year. Until then, there can be frustrations and energy can be in shorter supply. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 14th March 2016 please see below...
Weekly Horoscopes 14th March 2016
Aries 21 March - 20 April
Keeping a sense of perspective is going to be something of an art form this week. With your ruler Mars clashing with the planet of love Venus, things can take on a life force of their own. However, as long as you stay very much focused on the detail, and in the here and now, and avoid promising more than you can realistically deliver, progress is possible.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
Your ruler Venus merges with the planet of dreams, Neptune, but the one thing you cannot afford to be idealistic about this week Taurus, is your love life. There may well be someone who you are finding to be absolutely fascinating, but whether they're the right person for you is another matter altogether. Keep your feet very much on the ground.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
The emphasis is very much on how you interact with the world at large, and you can't do this, only on your own terms, Gemini. With Mercury, your ruler, in opposition to Jupiter, your expectations about earnings, lifestyle and where you live could reach epic proportions. But someone who may promise you the earth could actually be all charm and no substance.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
Your appreciation of new vistas, literature, film, photography and different cultures can be absolutely exceptional this week. Mind, if you are trying to engender support for a scheme of yours, don't try too hard to push your message. Someone may feel that you are over gilding the lily. Nor should you be too much of a people pleaser. Your Horoscope suggests you should hold back from promising too much.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
You could encounter someone this week, particularly towards its end, who has something of a mystical aura. If you are single and such a meeting happens, this could set your pulse racing. However, before you get too closely romantically involved, just consider that there may be other elements of this person's personality that you are yet to fully understand, Leo.
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
Your relationship sector absolutely sizzles with possibilities, but the most important thing in anyone that you're trying to co-operate or collaborate with, is that you can get on at a more emotional and practical level. Mars can potentially be a mischief maker, and see you be a bit impatient for progress. Try to slow things down and let things evolve at their own pace.
Libra 24 September - 23 October
Monday to Thursday is an excellent time to be doing any kind of re-organisation on the home front. In fact, any place that you spend a lot of time needs to be both functional, but also somewhere where you feel at ease emotionally. You can also become particularly conscious this week about the way that you help others - but ask yourself just how two way is this?
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
Your ruler is squaring up to the gentle energies of Venus this week, and this can create a heightened desire to enjoy the good things in life. It is possible that you could have a date or a meeting as the week comes to a close, which can prove really inspirational, but as the Sun arrives in Aries on Sunday, it can also introduce a note of extra reality.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
Having realistic expectations about your home, family and emotional life is going to be very important this week. For example, if you're thinking of moving, be wary of taking on a property that could become a financial millstone around your neck, even if it is rather grand. In love, the sensitivities of a relationship need to be nurtured. Pleasingly your drive revives on Sunday.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
You can find yourself being especially optimistic from Monday through to Thursday, as Mercury goes face-to-face with Jupiter. And if you have ideas that you want to promote this aspect will really help you. With tiny Pluto in your sign also angling well with these two planets, people are likely to take what you say, very seriously. However, in love, old hurts can surface.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
Something you've been working on behind the scenes can be showing a very healthy trend. In fact, the harder you've worked the more this can manifest itself as an improvement in your circumstances. Yet if you meet someone for the first time towards the end of this week, however alluring they may be, do take your time before you get too involved, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
Don't underestimate the strength of your personality and the impact you can have on the circumstances you find yourself involved in. In fact, someone can be totally enthralled by your sparkling aura. One alliance can also take a giant step forwards. With Venus combining with Neptune, your appreciation of the arts, music and culture will be very high.