The New Moon pushes us to be free spirits and embrace our more daring sides. The Wounded Healer Chiron also moves into Aries. Anything to do with healing our essential individual selves is to the fore. However, with Venus forging a fine link to Pluto, good ties can deepen, and as the Sun arrives in Taurus, earthier considerations take hold. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 16th April 2018 please see below...
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March - 20 April
This week's New Moon in your sign, absolutely sparkles with possibilities for you. But it does ask you to show the self belief to take your life in the direction you really want to go, and not feel inhibited by more worldly pressures or the demands of others. At times, as this month has shown, this may create tensions, but you'll see by the week's end that progress is being made.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
The restlessness that's been to the fore in your situation since 2010, reaches a peak this week. However, this could give you the final push to break away from any situation which is stopping you from breathing, and being the person you really want to be. With the Sun moving into your sign Taurus, your physical vitality will also revive by Friday. Do check travel plans though.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
Even when we have a key hope in mind, sometimes it's possible to change our mind and start to focus on something different. This can be precisely what happens to you this week, when a new, more exciting possibility develops, perhaps almost instinctively. This can give you a lot of food for thought, but one new friend or group can help you to shape this strand in the next month.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
When it comes to your career, be open to fresh possibilities. Even if you're someone who generally feels quite settled, the next month could throw up an opportunity which can come, seemingly out of the blue, but it may require you to react quickly to capitalize. A friendship can be rekindled by the week's end, but the other person may seem more serious and thoughtful this time.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
You could get an overwhelming desire to do something spontaneously. This actually can be a really invigorating chance to go beyond your normal boundaries, and even to take a little bit of a walk on your wild side. Then again, it could be that you decide to create some changes around your worldly interests. If so, a role which involves travelling, tourism or publishing can appeal.
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
Even if you don't see yourself as a natural entrepreneur, you may be surprised at the spirit of ingenuity you apply to your long term financial affairs this week. This could see you come up with all sorts of imaginative ways to squeeze more from your assets, or to make the most of opportunities. Your Solar Horoscope also gives you the chance to gain much greater insight into a situation which has proved rather complex.
Libra 24 September - 23 October
Have you been feeling hedged in by home, family or domestic demands? If so, this is the week for you to get on the front foot and connect to others. Anyone who tends to be their own person, and a free spirit, is likely to match your mood and mode perfectly. By the week's end however, you could find yourself thinking very carefully about property changes, moving home or finances.
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
An issue which has seemed to be rather intractable, can be resolved, but you may need to step back and look at the whole situation in a fresh light. It's possible that you have been focusing on one slice of this, and need to see it globally. A novel new way of approaching your health, fitness or dietary regime can also appeal. A serious minded person can also grab your interest now.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
You can dazzle people on the strength of your personality on the back of this week's New Moon. True, your freedom loving credentials may come more to the fore, and you may even find yourself spinning ten different plates at once, but enjoying every minute. The next five and a half months will however, be a time when you take the foundations of your existence more seriously.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
There could be comings and goings on the home front this week. Perhaps a youngster is set to flee the nest or return! Then again, people can be coming and going doing maintenance work. A home-based business can also start to thrive, especially if you can create a separate space which enables you to get super industrious. Your self-discipline will stiffen from now.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
Your modern ruler Uranus, aligns with the New Moon. Your mind can be super sharp on the back of this. Great if you like puzzles, crosswords and brainteasers, but also to entertain people with your zany wit, or identify novel ideas which can wow. Later in the week however, that side of you that can appreciate peace and tranquility, and some time alone, can come to the fore.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
You could enjoy a true stroke of fortune this week, but this fortune may not necessarily be fiscal, as much as just seeing your circumstances in a fresh and more enlightened way. With these added insights and the pace of life increasing, you can start to take more futuristic plans more seriously. There can also be greater interaction around groups in your locality or online Pisces.