Tuesday is a huge day this week, with a Leo Quarter Moon, Mars powering into Scorpio, and Mercury ending its retrograde also in Scorpio. But Mars does immediately go into a feisty face off with Uranus, so some turbulence is possible. This can be especially so around shared finances. Someone could also prove to be uncharacteristically direct, rebellious, or by contrast a chance connection can spark real excitment and attraction. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 18th November 2019 please see below...
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March - 20 April
As focused Mars moves into Scorpio for a stay of six weeks, it can stir up your sector of resources and such matters as taxes and banking affairs, but it also encourages you to resolve any ongoing issues. This can be easier as Mercury turns direct from midweek. Avoid acting on impulse around spending decisions. Ready to travel? Someone may treat you.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
This can be a time to clear the air, especially if matters between you and another have been simmering away for some while. The celestial gist of this may be linked to the issue of freedom in your relationship, and a need to do more of your own thing. It could be a delicate balance Taurus. Yet, a delightful Venus/Jupiter link could gift you with an opportunity that can seem most fortunate.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
The pace at work can heat up and you could find yourself busier than usual. Experiencing delays? With lively Mercury turning direct, this can make tackling those projects so much easier. Still, the temptation to take short cuts might be strong and is best avoided Gemini. Your social life and relationships get a sunny boost, and a very warm and upbeat tie can be perfect for a special date.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
A Quarter Moon in a more intense zone could be an opportunity to work on last minute costs concerning a key project, and to cut back where possible. Romantic and creative options may peak, and if there have been misunderstandings these can dissolve as Mercury turns direct. A bold opportunity could prove very exciting, with you demonstrating your talents to the full.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
There's a lot of action on the home front that could see you getting your place ready for any seasonal events, but also wanting to get your work/life balance sorted too. If you have responsibilities, try to delegate rather than cut corners Leo. The Sun in Sagittarius boosts vitality, and with a delightful Venus/Jupiter tie on the cards, a key bond can truly sparkle, Leo.
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
If you have experienced misunderstandings recently or been held back by delays, things can shift from this week. And with feisty Mars moving into your sector of talk and thought, you may be busier than usual but also eager to get ahead with admin and key plans. A conflict with someone concerning an idea could lead to a clash, unless you can adopt a strategic way to handle this.
Libra 24 September - 23 October
Your money zone may be activated by Mars, as the red planet moves in for six weeks encouraging you to get up to speed with bills and resolve any issues that are hanging over you. Still, the temptation to spend could increase, and a rebellious streak might find you purchasing items just for the thrill, so be aware of this. This weekend Libra, a social event shimmers with promise.
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
As Mars enters your sign this week, you'll find yourself back in the driving seat and ready to take your destiny into your own hands. Energy and focus improve too. However, as Mars opposes Uranus, it will help to tread with care regarding a key bond as a disconnect is possible. Moneywise, getting your priorities sorted can give you more control. But there is also the potential for a small windfall.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
The opportunity to transform your inner game shows up as Mars moves into your spiritual zone. Feel you are not living to your full potential? Working with a life coach or spiritual teacher can enable this to happen. The Sun's move into your sign brings vitality, and a golden opportunity to shine, while a heart-warming Venus Jupiter link may coincide with a special encounter Archer.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
Your social life has been active for some while, and this will be enhanced as trailblazer Mars moves in, encouraging you to be proactive in this regard. Liaising with those who have influence can help you make good progress, as will Mercury forging ahead after its retrograde phase. Give yourself a chance to reflect Capricorn, as a fresh perspective can be so valuable at this time.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
Mars in your sector of ambition can see you eager to prove yourself and make a big impression. But think carefully about how you hope to accomplish this, as with restless Uranus in the mix, an impulsive move could backfire. Patience is the key. Still, your social life can bring options for friendship and business, with the weekend bringing a golden opportunity that is too good to miss.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
Ready to expand your horizons? From this week onwards you may put more energy into planning a vacation, grasping an opportunity or taking up a course of study, all of which can further your cause. Preparation is key though, as you could lose out if you gloss over the details. Make time to showcase your skills Pisces, as if you do you may be offered an excellent deal.