Weekly Horoscopes 1st May 2023

Published: Monday, 1 May 2023 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Weekly Horoscopes 1st May 2023

The week and month begin with a Sun Mercury Cazimi. This can help us to concentrate hard to squeeze out more value around anything to do with daily transactions, money, costs, tickets, energy and food prices. Indeed, this week's Lunar Eclipse continues the theme, and the chances are there can be many revelations that come into the public domain around tax, investments and currencies, over the next six months, as the big reset continues. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for each sign for WC 1st May 2023, please see below...

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March - 20 April

Tensions may build as a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio prepares the way for you to let go of anything that's holding you back. Need to let off steam? You can do so by talking about any issues and getting advice. And one piece of information could be worth its weight in gold. Does your place need a makeover? Venus's move into your home zone might spark a desire to get a move on. 

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

Pluto rewinds from this week for some months, so you may have second thoughts about a grand ambition. Perhaps you need to rethink it along more practical lines. Plus, the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio could stir up issues within relationships. If something has been off for a while, discuss it as soon as possible. Don't leave it! Ready for a treat? A wonderful surprise can be on its way.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

A Lunar Eclipse in the transformational sign of Scorpio, means you could be questioning your way of doing things and be inspired to make a few changes. Perhaps you'll decide on a major lifestyle reboot. This week brings an opportunity to think about what you really want, and to work smarter rather than harder to get it. A social event could be a real mood booster, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

Someone could give you great advice that sets you on an exciting path. And with a Full Moon Eclipse in your sector of creativity, you'll be thrilled to embrace an opportunity that's been hiding in plain sight. You have the courage, and from the weekend as lovely Venus enters your sign, you'll have plenty of charm. You'll be totally irresistible Cancer, so make the most of it.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

There's no hiding the fact that you want to succeed, so what's stopping you? Mercury retro may not be helping, but there could be deeper issues involved, as the Lunar Eclipse might reveal. You may be sitting on talents and abilities that you're reluctant to share, which could be down to childhood issues. Something you discover in the weeks ahead can lead to a breakthrough, Leo.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

Struggled with an area of life for too long? Perhaps what's needed is a change of mindset. A turbo-charged Full Moon in Scorpio could be the catalyst. If you've already decided that you can't do something, but really want to have a go at, you could have a change of heart. It might not be this week, but soon a positive shift means you'll readily embrace your destiny, Virgo.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

A delightful Jupiter influence can coincide with a lucky break or fortunate happening, and this will give the week ahead a special glow. Still, with a potent Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, a financial issue could come to a head and require swift action. If you know what this is about, then get it sorted. Don't put it off! You'll have the attractor-factor too, as Venus enhances your charm.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

Pluto rewinds, which could be a call to let go of something. And if you feel emotional, this may also be down to the Lunar Eclipse in your sign that might ring in the changes. Is it time to release something that's been holding you back? Don't wait too long! Plus, as Venus dances into Cancer, your appetite for life could greatly increase, and you'll be ready for new experiences, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

You could be frustrated if things don't go to plan, but this may be destiny's way of telling you you've taken on more than you can handle. Consider cutting back, and you'll be doing yourself a big favour. Mind, the Lunar Eclipse in a private zone, can also be a call to ease off the accelerator and take some time out to get your bearings. You'll gain some much-needed perspective, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

This week could find you mesmerized by someone, as an intense Eclipse across your social axis can coincide with a sizzling encounter. Have romantic feelings? It's best not to rush into anything. Take your time, Capricorn. And the same may be true of a budding friendship. If you've experienced any relationship issues recently, Venus's move into sensitive Cancer can assist.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

The Lunar Eclipse in a high-flying zone could put you on the map, Aquarius. If you have a brilliant idea and have been toying with it for some time, you may feel a powerful urge to make it happen. Already up and running? You might garner more followers and clients. There's also potential for a lucky break, as something you've always wanted may show up this week.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

Exciting options are on the cards, so be ready to jump at an opportunity that makes your heart sing. You may have to jettison something to take full advantage of this, but you'll soon realize it's so worth it. Keen to purchase something for the home? You'll get the perfect item at the right price if you trust your gut. Investing in an antique? It may be worth more than you paid for it.

Weekly Horoscopes 1st May 2023

Weekly Horoscopes Overview

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