Weekly Horoscopes 20th November 2017

Published: Monday, 20 November 2017 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Weekly Horoscopes 20th November 2017

Tiny Pluto is so influential this week, forging a really helpful link to Venus but a much more challenging one to Mars. All this puts a lot of emphasis on relationships, but any which are really sincere, could hit a new high of personal understanding. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 20th November 2017 please see below... 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March - 20 April

A degree of diplomacy is going to be important this week. If you can wind in any temptation to try to have situations only as you see them, some sort of compromise can be achieved which will be really helpful. This is also a time when listening to your instincts will become more important than ever before. But ironically, by the end of the week to look at things in a very factual way. 

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

You could have a surfeit of energy in the first half of the week, and find yourself trying to balance different demands. However, if you're a creative person, a beautiful link between Jupiter and Neptune is urging you to take your talents seriously. As long as you come up with a workable plan, blending your artistry with practicality can lead to a significant development which will please you.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

Your ruler is forging a brilliant angle to Uranus in the second half of this week. Some kind of light bulb moment is possible, where a new way of dealing with an old problem can be found. In general, be open to innovation. No one will say that you lack passion or conviction, and you can be determined to see other people take your ideas more seriously. And you know, they will Gemini.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

As Mars and Pluto continue their dramatic right angle, handling frustration and close relationships is going to be important to avoid creating the impression that you want everything on your own terms. The nitty-gritty details of life are also going to come more sharply into focus, but that doesn't mean to say you can't still enjoy some moments of magic as Jupiter and Neptune connect.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

Both Venus and Jupiter are creating some very important aspects to other planets. Both of these are in the part of your horoscope to do with your home, family and emotional situation. The people who really matter to you can become much clearer this week, but also there are going to be opportunities to have some fun. The Full Moon just asks you to balance your priorities.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

Don't underestimate the impact that you can have on others this week. But strangely the more subtle you are, the better it can be. There could be a little bit of a tendency by the week's end to be more direct and precise in punching across your ideas. Whilst it would be good to organise them in your mind like this, continue to be as diplomatic as possible. It will work to your benefit.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

The way you think and shape your ideas is certainly going to be helped by the Sun's relocation into Sagittarius in your horoscope. With Mercury in this sign also advancing into a tight embrace with Saturn, you can punch across your ideas crisply. Someone may even find you much less diplomatic than they're used to. However, a close or family relationship is likely to continue to require oodles of patience.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

Something that has been rattling around in the depths of your consciousness for a long time, could surface suddenly. Any lingering resentment or frustration of a perceived injustice may need to be ventilated. More practically, this can be an excellent week for really grappling with expenditure. Mercury and Uranus could see you enjoy a brainwave or two on how to earn more cash.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

New beginnings are possible, as the Sun moves into your sign. Hopefully your physical vitality will revive, but one strand that you have been battling with, can at last start to show signs of really and truly shaping up. That side of you that can be open to new, unique and unusual possibilities is also boosted. So, if someone offers you the chance to embrace something novel, do welcome it.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

You enter the part of the year which is very much to do with reflection. And this can play out this week for you when you may find yourself preferring to have at least some time alone. Any kind of power politics, perhaps at work, could leave you feeling more vulnerable, but try not to isolate yourself from others. There still can be some very heartfelt conversations and interactions Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

Your lovely modern ruler, Uranus, is sparkling in its alliance with Mercury this week, and this can see you very forward thinking, and dazzling people with the quality and innovation of your ideas. However, the Full Moon also suggests that not every person will be able to keep up with the speed of thought you have, so factor this into your thinking too. Documents also need care.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

Dare to dream Pisces. A magnificent alliance between your two guide planets can really add some sparkle to your week. Look to do something really imaginative and different. Take in a movie, watch a concert, enjoy a gripping book or use your artistry to inspire or to lift your soul. At work, take your ideas really seriously. A conversation towards the end of the week can be key.

Weekly Horoscopes 20th November 2017

Weekly Horoscopes Overview

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