Weekly Horoscopes 22nd February 2016

Published: Monday, 22 February 2016 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Weekly Horoscopes 22nd February 2016

The week begins with a potent Full Moon in Virgo, a sign which is ruled by Mercury itself. Virgo is about precision, and practicality, where as the Sun in Pisces is more ethereal. Dreams are fine, but it's how we go about them that counts this week. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 22nd February 2016 please see below...

Weekly Horoscopes 22nd February 2016

Aries 21 March - 20 April

Radical Uranus moved into your sign in 2011, and is set to be with you for another two years. This planet has probably really shook up your life, and has also been very unsettling, at times. This week can be a point in case. Anything which you're opening up which requires a fresh and new approach can do well, but your vitality can tumble and self-doubts flourish. 

Taurus 21 April - 21 May

We all know we can't please all of the people all of the time. But if we're passionate about our friends or social situations, and also our love life, it's not always easy to make sure that every area receives just the right amount of attention and time. You could find yourself being almost too idealistic this week, but with Jupiter and Pluto in support, trends remain positive.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

Your ruler Mercury, along with Venus, continue in the most pioneering part of your situation. This can give you a huge appetite for new experiences and people. But if you are trying to engender interest in a project or idea which requires more traditional or formal support, you will need to present your ideas in a way which will be credible to decision makers.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

Your mind can be alive with new possibilities, and if there is one special person that you can get together with and enjoy an expedition, whether it's to see a gallery, art show or concert or to travel further afield, you can help spur each other on. This is also a time when you can benefit from applying fresh approaches to how you earn money or marshal resources.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

With the Sun in Pisces combining with Neptune, you may consider a more imaginative approach to property, investments and savings. If so, stay conscious of how Neptune can distort our reality. However, with Venus and Mercury forging fantastic links this week with Saturn and Uranus, one relationship can, if the terms of reference are clear, go from strength to strength.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

The Full Moon in your sign on Monday, is going to give you food for thought when it comes to your relationships. If you're involved in any which do not enrich you and feel it's all give and no get, you may have a decision to make. Yet with Jupiter forging an amazing link to Pluto, if there are some exciting changes you want to drive through, now you can.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

There are times when we can almost be too much of a good egg, and this week may be one of them. If you put in too much energy into supporting others it may start to drain on your own inner resources. However, there are some fabulous influences which if you grapple with can see you learn new skills or impart your smart ideas in a very effective way.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

You could encounter someone this week, who will have quite a magical impact on your senses. If you enjoy film or photography, these too can see you inspired. You may also find yourself adapting your approach at home. This could be making some physical changes or even starting a small business from the comfort of your abode. You can be very enterprising.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

Saturn has certainly been dishing out a few lessons to you over recent months, not least to refocus your efforts, resources and energy on the parts of your life that are truly meaningful. This week there could be some confusion, or hazy conditions around where you live or personal relationships. But at a more logical level, discussions could prove invaluable.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

If you are grappling with anything of a formal nature this week, just be conscious that the inner voice that is giving you permission to make some radical changes needs to be tempered by being very much on the ball when it comes to the details. Fortunately, your ruler Saturn and the aspects it forges can help you to use your experience to guide you.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

The combination of this week's Full Moon and the hazy link between Neptune and the Sun suggests you need to be utterly pragmatic when it comes to balancing the ins and outgoings around your budget. But something you've been beavering away on behind the scenes can shape up well. Your personal charisma can also win you new respect with friends.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

You have a beautiful imagination Pisces, and your way of absorbing information really can be quite enchanting, and you can be the embodiment of osmosis, soaking up good things wherever you go. But the converse can also be true, so be sure to protect yourself this week from more negative influences. That said, one alliance can take a major leap forwards.

Weekly Horoscopes 22nd February 2016

Weekly Horoscopes Overview

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