An action packed celestial week is in store, with a Partial Solar Eclipse, a sparkling alliance between the Sun and Venus, Jupiter rewinding into one its two home zones but Mars slamming on the brakes through to January. Yet Venus is in Detriment in Scorpio, and with the two rulers of the sign, Mars and Pluto to the fore - Mercury squaring the latter, a greater awareness to what we desire and consume, or who we desire and are consumed by, is the key. Weekly Horoscope Forecasts for WC 24th October 2022 please see below...
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March - 20 April
Ready for dynamic change? The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, is perfect for getting what you want. If you desire something, you'll go all out to get it. And with a little charm, you'll easily succeed. And it could change your life. Whether it's a person, situation or item, be sure this is right for you, as there may be no going back. Even so, with Mars rewinding for some months, it helps to pace yourself.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
A powerful Solar Eclipse can bring about a turning point in a relationship, or encourage a fresh start. You could fall for someone and feel you've met your soulmate, or you may want to take a current partnership to a new level, by taking on a challenge or introducing positive changes. Money matters might need more care though Taurus, as fiery Mars rewinds for some months.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
An exciting opportunity may be on its way to you Gemini, as a turbo-charged New Moon can see you setting out on a new path. You might need to let go of anything that no longer works for you, so you can make the most of it. And if you accept this offer, it could be a game-changer. Mind, with assertive Mars rewinding in your sign for some months, you'll need to be very patient.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
A desire to deepen your interest in a hobby or explore a new one, could see your creative side blossoming. With Venus in the mix, romance might be on the cards too. You may become obsessed with someone, or decide that the person you've been dating is your soulmate. And as Jupiter rewinds back into Pisces, a missed opportunity can become available again, Cancer.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
Inspired to connect more with those you are closest to, and enjoy some family time? Doing so can set the stage for life-changing discussions. The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, suggests something exciting may be in the air. As Mars goes into reverse, people from the past might show up and be a catalyst for new plans. Plus, a business idea could soon come into its own, Leo.
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
Exploring your local area could yield treasure. You may discover activities that grab your attention, and that help you make new friends and develop new interests. And with a Solar Eclipse in this zone, an encounter might transform your life. Career plans and key ambitions can take longer to materialize as Mars regresses. It's a chance to carefully consider your options.
Libra 24 September - 23 October
Eager to make your income go further by being frugal? Paring back where you can, could add up to a lot if you shop around. And this week's Eclipse might also see you taking a dramatic step forward, and doing something that impacts your income for the better going forward. As Jupiter re-enters Pisces for some weeks, the effort you've put into a project may now bear fruit.
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
The Solar Eclipse in your sign, is an opportunity to set goals for the coming months. Be excited, as the ideas you have now could disrupt former plans, and lead to positive change. And it may be the kind you've been craving. With Mars your co-ruler rewinding for some months, you'll realize that to make good progress something needs to shift, and the sooner the better.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
A powerful intuitive nudge, could inspire you to follow your heart. Today's Eclipse encourages you to trust this inner knowing, and see where it takes you. Feel like releasing situations that are more of a hindrance than a help? Your life may turn around if you do. As Mars rewinds from this week, you and your partner might have matters to deal with, and working as a team will help.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
Ready to connect with like-minded people? Something life-changing could transpire. If there are no groups in your area that cater to an interest of yours, this might be your chance to act as a focal point and bring kindred spirits together. Have big dreams? This week's Eclipse may be the catalyst needed to make a start. But remember, more haste less speed. Go easy, Capricorn!
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
It's a good time to reflect on your goals. Have plans? The Solar Eclipse can help you to make the most of them. Is there an opportunity for promotion, or a chance to realize a key ambition? If so, this is a great time to take that bold step forward. With a little charm, you could accomplish much. And with prudent Saturn now pushing ahead in your sign, you'll soon be on a roll.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
Want more out of life? You can get it by being bolder. Been put off by an idea because it seems daunting? If so, the Solar Eclipse encourages you to have a go. Anything that might expand your horizons will foster personal growth, and that includes study and travel. As jovial Jupiter moves back into your sign for a few weeks, you'll realize that you have more options than you think.