Weekly Horoscopes 28th May 2018

Published: Monday, 28 May 2018 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Weekly Horoscopes 28th May 2018

This week's Full Moon in Sagittarius asks us to be mindful of our communications, and with the Sun in a Quincunx to the Saturn, it could be a case of speak quickly and repent at leisure. However, with Mercury returning home to Gemini and forging a sparkling alliance with Mars, if we are sure, we can promote our ideas with sparkling enthusiasm. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 28th May 2018 please see below...

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March - 20 April

Although the Sun is occupying a free-flowing part of your 'scope, and you can feel personally motivated at the start of this week, someone immediately around you may have felt you were a little bit withdrawn. Tuesday's Full Moon is an opportunity to push issues into the open, and talk them through. This will get easier still from midweek, as Mercury arrives in Gemini

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

One involvement could still feel a little bit stilted, with stern Saturn opposing your guide Venus as the week begins. It may be that you're wanting to make some significant changes, but they would prefer the status quo. With Jupiter forging an awesome angle to Neptune, there can though be one person who helps you to cut through all of this, and creates a sense of wonderment.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

The Full Moon this week in your opposite sign of Sagittarius, asks you to keep in balance your personal desires and your obligations to anyone close to you. The great news is that with your ruler Mercury, returning to Gemini midweek, you will start to feel more outgoing and also less reflective. This combination could see you single-minded, but also open to exchanges of views.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

The start of the week can still see you feeling a little bit inhibited around your personal expression. And with the Full Moon occurring too, your sensitivities can be raised even higher, and especially in relation to an involvement. The end of the week also sees Venus going face-to-face with Pluto, so this could prove to be quite a telling week when it comes to close involvements.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

You may get the impression that someone is thinking something but not necessarily telling you exactly what's on their mind, and this can go on for the whole of this week. However, as Mercury arrives in Gemini, the desire to open up your social world to new people and fresh situations can increase. Your horoscope suggests will feel it is important to express your individuality and creativity within this.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

The planets are giving you an opportunity to make a key impression in your professional situation or around ambitions and goals. However, with the Full Moon, the trick is going to be that this gives you an opportunity to manifest your creativity and also ensures that this works for you at a more feeling and emotional level. Status and money that we don't enjoy, are empty experiences.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

As the week begins, your ruler for one last day, continues its opposition with Saturn. Someone you ordinarily get on well with may seem a little reserved, or even somewhat austere. This could be someone older within the family, and the potential for this can come up again towards the end of the week. However, travel or holiday plans can take a giant step forwards now.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

You can be quite direct in the way that you communicate your ideas, but if you push things a little too hard at the beginning and end of this week, it could prove to be counter-productive, and especially if you're talking about any kind of financial situation. Still, the fabulous angle between Jupiter and Neptune, still gives you a great chance to inspire someone special.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

The Full Moon in your own sign this week, can see you think very carefully about your interactions with others. If you are in a committed relationship, there could be some intense scenes, perhaps about who earns or contributes what, or even about intimacy. But with Mercury moving midweek, try to listen as carefully as possible to the other person's viewpoint. It can really help.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

Venus, the planet of love, is in a gorgeous location for you Capricorn, but it is opposed by the two big astral hitters of Saturn and Pluto, both located in your sign at present. This can ramp up the odds when it comes to romance or lead to powerful scenes. It's possible that something that's been simmering on the back burner or has been kept a secret, will come into the open.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

This week's Full Moon is asking you to focus on your priorities, and especially when it comes to your long-term future. As much as there may be people or activities in the here and now that you are finding very engaging, these are distracting you from what's really important and some kind of realignment may be necessary. Pleasingly, your wit can help you to deal with this well.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

The lovely Venus is truly in a glamorous part of your horoscope, and can help you to feel affectionate and outgoing. But despite this, someone in your circle or who you are close to, may demand more, and just at a time when another part of you can feel really quite tender. The most important thing this week is to focus on the emotional foundations of your situation, before all else.

Weekly Horoscopes 28th May 2018

Weekly Horoscopes Overview

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