Weekly Horoscopes 29th February 2016

Published: Monday, 29 February 2016 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Weekly Horoscopes 29th February 2016

The week begins with the Sun combining with Neptune still and fact can be stranger than fiction. Fortunately, Venus is angling well with Saturn and Uranus, which can create some enterprise or surprises in love. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 29th February 2016 please see below...

Weekly Horoscopes 29th February 2016

Aries 21 March - 20 April

Although you can be hugely determined, and the planets this year have certainly encouraged a goal orientated approach, a huge slice of subtlety and an understanding of the politics of where you find yourself, can help you make progress, all the more. Socially, some surprise developments can delight, and one unique friend can really capture your imagination. 

Taurus 21 April - 21 May

You could find yourself feeling very idealistic at the start of this week. Good causes or helping those who are less fortunate can appeal. But the part of your horoscope to do with the way you link with the wider world is influenced by your ruler, and your talent for building alliances with key people is underlined. Just stay open minded about how this might happen.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

The first half of this week requires you to stay utterly pragmatic around your professional activities. However, it continues to be a time when new information and stimulating novel ideas and people can excite you. Someone who tends to think completely outside the box is a person in particular who you may find yourself keen to get to know better.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

Try to embrace some escapist pursuits early in the week, anything which is otherworldly could actually help to feed your imagination and then to grapple with life's realities. Travel plans can be particularly therapeutic. But if you want to develop more creative possibilities around your resources, something completely different can inspire you.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

The fact that you can't quite work someone out may make them all the more intriguing. Indeed, is there part of you that likes that you are unsure of exactly where you stand? It's possible. However, if you are trying to do any kind of business or a deal and the same complexities prevail, you really should be an awful lot more cautious in your approach, Leo.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

You might encounter someone who is completely different from you. Whereas you feel comfortable with facts and figures and a degree of certainty about what you believe in, this person may be elusive to say the least. Also watch for anyone you know, who starts being more evasive than usual. It may be because they're hiding something that you should know.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

Your ruler Venus makes an excellent angle to Saturn in the first half of this week, suggesting sincerity will take you far. However, at the start of the week you could almost be too self-sacrificing, so do keep a little bit of energy back for yourself. If you're single this could be a week when an unexpected meeting can turn out to have delightful consequences.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

Your appreciation of the arts, music and film can be exceptional right at the start of this week. Creativity is further boosted by the arrival of Mercury in the most outgoing part of your situation at the weekend. Your financial picture is also boosted. Taken as a whole, you can find yourself feeling more sociable, but balance this with a slice of realism.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

Your emotional world could seem rather bogged down and leave you drained in the early part of this week. You'll probably want to focus on more playful, spontaneous possibilities. The most wonderful news this week however is the arrival of Mars in your sign. He is going to be with you for an extended period this year of five months. New drive will emerge.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

Your ruler Saturn forges a stabilising link with the flirty Venus this week. This encourages you to look beyond superficialities when assessing your romantic situation. Conversation and situations can be rather fluid, so take things to a down to earth dimension. It's also possible that someone from your past is about to explode back into your situation meaningfully.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

Venus in your sign continues to give you a sparkling aura. Yet there could be one person that you're drawn to who can seem to scrutinise your every move. Actually, they may like you a lot, but be simply checking out where you're coming from. Finances do require care this week, but as Mars makes his way into your social sector, things can get a lot livelier.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

The week begins with the Sun combining with your co-ruler of Neptune. By its end the Sun is opposing Jupiter in your opposite sign. All of this can heighten your expectations, expand your consciousness, and see you awesomely perceptive or darn right confused. Pleasingly however, your worldly moves take on greater dynamism as the week comes to a close.

Weekly Horoscopes 29th February 2016

Weekly Horoscopes Overview

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