This weeks Full Moon and tense square between the Sun and Pluto, suggests relationships will need care. The more we can look to do for others, perhaps even sacrificing our own time and energies, the more we can mitigate the potential for stress. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 2nd October 2017 please see below...
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March - 20 April
This week's Full Moon is in your sector of relationships, and with Jupiter also in this area in opposition with the restless energies of Uranus, this could be a key week to how you interact with others. In an existing relationship, it's possible that you may want more space. In the latter part of the week with the Sun clashing with Pluto, power battles are possible too Aries.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May
Your ruler Venus aligns with Mars all this week, this is going to give your sex appeal an enormous boost. Someone you encounter may be mesmerised by what you have to say. However, some previously undiscussed issues at work could make their way into the open. Someone could be quite critical, but not necessarily in an upfront and open way, which you may prefer.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June
There are going to be plenty of choices for you to make this week, but choices can be liberating. It could be someone new or exciting who grabs your attention. But it's also very important to stay mindful of the emotional situation in your life, and also your own deepest needs. The darker vibes of jealousy, possessiveness and control can all be factors towards the week's end.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July
You could find yourself very persuasive this week, which is brilliant if you've got something important to say that you're keen for others to hear. However, with your Solar Horoscope showing that the Sun will square with Pluto at the week's end and also a Full Moon, it's going to be important you don't try too hard, and especially around family or emotional relationships or ties. Others may ventilate their views to you.
Leo 24 July - 23 August
Your communicational skills have been given a major boost in the last year with the support of Jupiter. It may not have always seemed like this, but actually you have been assimilating a lot of new ideas, and all of this can become even more obvious to you now. However, this can also be a time when you can find yourself more outspoken, even taking a more radical view of situations.
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
With Venus and Mars combining in your zodiac sign, you're certainly not going to be lacking in star quality. In fact, with so much energy bubbling around the most sensual part of your horoscope, someone could be drawn towards you at a very earthy level. This is also a week when you need to be careful about managing your ins and outgoings as astutely as possible.
Libra 24 September - 23 October
The Full Moon in Aries this week suggests that someone may challenge you about your viewpoint or your approach to situations. A dramatic exchange of views is certainly possible with Jupiter in opposition to Uranus. You are known for being diplomatic, but this week could see you being much more assertive about what you really feel - which could be so cathartic.
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November
Your friendship sector absolutely blossoms with possibilities, and someone could enter your orbit who is immensely charming. But that other side of your nature which can be a little bit wary of getting to know people, is also going to be bubbling away too. And you know, this week is a classic example when it probably is best to be just a little bit cautious as well as open.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December
Charm and determination can take you far as far as your career, goals and ambitions are concerned. But however much you deploy these energies, it's going to be the more human side of situations which really offers the richest possibilities. Your natural networking skills and ability to be open to new ideas can certainly hold you in great stead, and draw people to you.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January
You may still find yourself actively thinking about what you do for a living and whether you feel fulfilled in this role. If you're currently unemployed or even retired, you can engage with this just as much. You're usually very attuned to finding the right slot for yourself in life, but at present you can find yourself more open to new more unusual or varied strands, which can excite.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February
That side of you that loves to think about history, philosophy, higher education, foreign travel or more creative possibilities as far as your self-expression and ideas are concerned, is really going to be fizzing this week, and all sorts of possibilities can unfold from this. Yet with Mars and Venus continuing their love-in in the most sensual part of your 'scope, you may be keen to explore in love too.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March
Some very encouraging signals can be going backwards and forwards between you and someone who is becoming much more important in your situation. However, not everyone may necessarily appreciate the direction of travel that you're taking. For example, there could be one friend you may be a little bit more possessive of your time and energy than you realise.