Weekly Horoscopes 30th May 2022

Published: Monday, 30 May 2022 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Weekly Horoscopes 30th May 2022

The week begins with a vibrant Gemini New Moon - a perfect time to blend our ideas with our feelings and also to use the Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Aries and Mercury going Direct to gain more thrust, traction and drive. However, Saturn's Retrograde from Saturday suggests that collectively we can face head winds through to late October, and particularly from the end of August. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 30th May 2022 please see below...

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March - 20 April

A sparkling New Moon in your communication zone, can encourage friendships and new connections. It's a time when your curiosity may be enlivened, and when possibilities could call out to you. Suffered delays? Mercury turns direct in your money zone, so any muddles and complications will gradually ease with progress now possible. Your affairs might now flourish.

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

Ready for a fresh financial start? This week's New Moon is perfect for putting new plans into action. Get moving now, and the moon tide can build momentum, especially if you're starting a side-business or saving for something important. Sobering Saturn will turn retrograde, which may delay career plans and other goals. This could be an opportunity to streamline your affairs though.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

The New Moon in your sign can be a great help to you, as it's the perfect time to introduce new initiatives. Whether you want to introduce a new habit, kickstart a project or take a relationship to the next level, this is the time to do so. And Mercury your personal planet turns direct too, which could help stabilize your affairs, especially if they have been up and down more recently.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

Look to your dreams, as they may bring guidance as well as creative ideas that you'll want to explore. The New Moon in a private sector can be helpful, if you want to start a spiritual practice such as meditation or yoga, that could deepen your self-understanding. Plus, as Saturn rewinds in an emotional zone, the coming months might bring respite, and a chance to get your bearings.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

As your social sector sizzles with the promise of new friendships and positive developments, this can be one of those times when you're at your most charismatic and attractive. The Gemini New Moon encourages you to reach out to groups and clubs, and connect with some interesting people. Any delays associated with your career and goals will ease, as Mercury pushes forward.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

If you're ready to take the next step up the ladder or are starting a job, then the New Moon can assist you. Getting into the networking habit and liaising with those who share your goals and interests, may also be helpful. Have trips or journeys suffered from delays? Mercury pushes forward from this week, which could reverse any hold-ups. Soon you'll be on your way, Virgo.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

The New Moon is a great starting point for long and short journeys, a course or class, or any other opportunity that can brighten your future. And with Mercury pushing ahead after its three week rewind phase, finances and other matters of importance may show signs of progress. From this week, you could be ready to enhance your creative skills, and become even more proficient.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

If you've been thinking about changing aspects of your life, then this week's lunation could help. The New Moon in an emotional sector, can find you letting go of situations and people that aren't helping your cause. There will be space for any new opportunities and relationships that are just around the corner. As Saturn rewinds, a domestic plan or move may need a rethink.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

Ready to take a budding romance to the next level? If so, the New Moon this week can encourage you to share your feelings and take it from there. This might also be a good time to form a business partnership or get a team together. If there's been some frustration associated with your work or everyday schedule, this will begin to ease. Soon, you'll be speeding ahead.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

Have you hit a wall regarding a plan or an edgy problem? If so, your luck is already starting to improve. You could notice changes over coming days, as Mercury's rewind phase ends and your plans begin to gel. Have something exciting you're keen to get moving on? The New Moon is perfect for getting it off to the best possible start. Spotted an opportunity? Don't hold back!

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

The New Moon in your creative zone, is a chance to dive into a hobby and learn more about it, hone your skills or perhaps to start a small business. Plus, there may be an opportunity to take a budding romance a stage further, if this feels right. Saturn in your sign will go into reverse, which can be a call to slow down and take stock of your plans. Some might need more consideration.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

If you've been thinking about making a fresh start at home, either by redecorating or working on a family project, this can be one of the better times to do so. Cosmic forces suggest a declutter could give you more space to make new choices about the design and function of certain rooms. Keep it practical, and don't get caught up in plans which won't work, no matter how hard you try.

Weekly Horoscopes 30th May 2022

Weekly Horoscopes Overview

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