Weekly Horoscopes 31st October 2022

Published: Monday, 31 October 2022 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Weekly Horoscopes 31st October 2022

The current swathe of Scorpio energy is powered up further more by the arrival of Mercury. This can help us to dive even deeper with our thinking and research. However, the two rulers of this sign, still clash and with Mars the traditional ruler of Scorpio, now Retrograding, and in a tense angle to the modern ruler Pluto. So care is needed to understand the full dynamics of situations, before reacting too quickly. For your Weekly Horoscope Forecast for WC 31st October 2022 please see below...

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March - 20 April

This week continues to be intense. And yet there is plenty of scope for bringing about changes that may heal personal issues and situations, especially those that have been holding you back. The Quarter Moon in Aquarius, encourages you to look at life in a new way, as this too can foster fresh ideas and solutions, and inspire you to explore the potential in a golden opportunity. 

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

Your relationships continue to be supportive, especially if you're ready to invite others on board concerning key projects, share your latest insights and be a good partner and friend. If you're keen to discuss matters that have caused you difficulty, much can be healed and soothed. And you'll discover that you care more about a personal goal or key ambition than you thought, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

The Quarter Moon in Aquarius, encourages you to consider other options rather than stick with the tried and trusted. This looks to be a week of dynamic change, that can take you to new and exciting levels, as long as you're ready to step out of your comfort zone. Be open to a chance remark or an unexpected encounter, as that may hold clues to a future that is perfect for you.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

The urge to express yourself is strong Cancer, so make use of it. If you've felt that your efforts have been in vain lately, the days ahead will reveal how you might become better known for your skills and talents. There's something you can do that nobody else could, and you'll become aware of this as the week gathers pace. You may not realise its value yet, but very soon you will.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

Your desire to stand out from the crowd may be at its lowest ebb. You might have the opposite urge to keep a low profile and recharge your batteries. Yet the Quarter Moon can see you liaising with someone, and with their help, getting an innovative plan off the ground. Best of all, a creative idea could net your plaudits, Leo. You just need to take it seriously and do something.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

Conversations and discussions can go deep, and have the potential to change unsatisfactory situations. They could also help you get your way in important matters. You'd be wise to make use of your instincts, as they might let you know who may be most helpful to you, and who to avoid. Is someone guilty of telling you that you can't succeed? This is your chance to prove them wrong.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

Giving of your time to help out a family member or to assist with charity events, won't be wasted. In fact, whatever you share, gift or donate, will come back to you further down the line just when you least expect it. And your benevolent approach can also allow friends and family to relax and feel you have their interests at heart. Are you tempted to splurge? It could do you good.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

You'll feel empowered, and this can-do aura that surrounds you, could see you blasting through difficulties that have so far got the better of you. No longer, Scorpio! Last week's Solar Eclipse will have made up your mind that things are going to be different. Trust your instincts, and you'll soon discover that you're being led through intuitive nudges to something that's perfect for you.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

You may be dwelling too much in your head, rather than embracing the opportunities that are there waiting for you. And yet with the planets the way they are and a potent Quarter Moon on the go, you might come to a conclusion that too much thinking about a key bond or issue is what's holding you back. Don't make this a habit, Archer. Instead, let your heart lead the way.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

You'll be in demand this week, which suits you, as you'll be eager to get out and about. The Quarter Moon highlights a desire to do your bit for any clubs or community projects you're a part of, and your ability to be organized can see you becoming popular. You're also magnetically attractive, so if you're keen to spice up an ongoing relationship or find a date, now is the time.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

Perfection isn't possible Aquarius, but you could come close if you aim high and persevere. This isn't the time to compare yourself to others, but to imagine what you might become if you put in the effort. This week's Quarter Moon can highlight the potential of one idea that's had you jumping up and down with excitement. If you've reached a milestone, why not take it further.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

Hoping for a quiet week? There may be more brewing than you bargained for. With a Quarter Moon in sizzling Aquarius stirring up your dreams, and Venus opposing Uranus, it looks like there's more than one surprise in store for you. You'll realize this is exactly what you needed Pisces, to allow you to contemplate new ideas, enjoy refreshing encounters and get the most out of life.

Weekly Horoscopes 31st October 2022

Weekly Horoscopes Overview

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