Weekly Horoscopes 3rd January 2022

Published: Monday, 3 January 2022 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Weekly Horoscopes 3rd January 2022

Venus's magical link to Neptune continues, and this can make us sentimental for past connections, or bring a very special person into our lives though this may be of a spiritual nature. Mercury and Jupiter also angle well, great for longer term plans. With the Sun and Mars also supportive to one another, this can spark the drive to target bigger goals and hopes. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 3rd January 2022 please see below...

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March - 20 April

Getting into your stride, Aries? This week your dreams can override more practical concerns. If you have already set your intentions for the year ahead, then it's time to add in those goals that involve more heartfelt motives. Want to indulge your creativity, take up meditation or volunteer your spare time to help others? If it feels good and gives you a buzz, then put it on your list. 

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

You may have some noble ideas and bold plans on the go, but this week's ties to dreamy Neptune could encourage more soulful reflections. If you didn't get a chance to do something that satisfies on an emotional level, then don't leave it out of the equation. It might not reward you in the financial sense, but on a deeper level, it could leave you happier and more fulfilled.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

A reunion could leave you at peace and so much happier, as healing influences encourage you to resolve any awkward issues. With Venus and compassionate Neptune in the picture, you'll find it easier to empathize with another. This upbeat mood can lead to you forgetting past difficulties. It may also bring an appreciation of how much you have in common that truly binds you together.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

Been in two minds about a relationship or inclined to doubt someone? By the end of this week, you'll have a different perspective and be willing to give them a chance. Putting yourself in their shoes can help you understand why they have acted as they have. You'll be ready to give them more leeway and hear their side of the story. You might even get a better outcome than expected.

Leo 24 July - 23 August

Mars in Sagittarius gives you extra fire that can be used to get a creative project up and running. You'll be looking for new adventures and opportunities to spread your wings, and if you find one, then go for it. Relationships with co-workers may reach a new level of helpfulness. A heartfelt aspect could see you and another drawing closer, and finding you are kindred spirits, Leo.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

The boundaries between friendship and romance could become blurred, making it difficult to know what to do next. Bide your time for now Virgo, as things will be clearer later next week. Even so, the Quarter Moon in an intense zone, can leave you feeling pressured to do something about this or another key issue, right away. Try to be patient, and soon you'll have the answer.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

There may be times this week when you don't feel like doing much. If so, Mars in Sagittarius is very helpful for giving yourself a pep talk and motivating you to make a start. Bogged down with family matters and uncertain what to do next? Putting your attention on something you enjoy can lift your spirits, and get you thinking up ideas and solutions that might just work.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

There's potential for a romantic mood to take hold. Have a lot of admiration for someone? You might be keen to break the ice. And if you find yourself spending too much time dreaming about what might be Scorpio, snap to! Otherwise, you could miss out on opportunities, or find you're less productive. You'll enjoy earning money from a side-hustle and spending it on a special treat.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

You may be very tempted to splurge on items for the home, or you might also have to deal with an unexpected household expense. Don't rush to buy items in the sale that look useful but that you won't actually need, as it can be more important to keep that extra cash for now. Plus, the Quarter Moon in your leisure zone over the weekend, could see you reaching a milestone, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

Your softer side could show up this week, making it difficult to say no when perhaps you should, Capricorn. You'll easily empathise with others' issues. And feelings of compassion mean you'll be inclined to help, even if it means sacrificing your time and resources. In fact, with Jupiter in Pisces for some time yet, volunteering on a regular basis can be something you get to enjoy.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

Mars in Sagittarius keeps your focus on teamwork, socializing and networking, which means you'll be in the best position to connect with some interesting people. Mercury in your sign underscores this theme, and an encounter could see a spark between you and another that grows into a positive bond. Go easy with your money though, as you may be too keen to give it away.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

You'll enjoy getting out and about, but might need to put firmer boundaries in place this week, as someone could persuade you to join in with something that may be demanding. If you feel moved to get involved, then thrash out a schedule that doesn't put other plans in jeopardy. Plus, with Mars in a prominent zone, there's great potential to get 2022 off to a very successful start.

Weekly Horoscopes 3rd January 2022

Weekly Horoscopes Overview

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