Weekly Horoscopes 3rd October 2022

Published: Monday, 3 October 2022 , contact Patrick on Facebook or Email.
Weekly Horoscopes 3rd October 2022

With Mercury gaining traction after its recent rewind, its fine angle to Pluto can give us some penetrating insights, right? Well, perhaps, but only if we can negotiate Mars' distorting right angle to Neptune, the planet illusion and also Mercury in the first half of the week. So, how do we negotiate these two contra energies? Well, basically by analysing anything we strongly desire, carefully, before plumping for it. The Aries Full Moon on Sunday is eased by Venus too, but finding a better balance between giving and getting in close relationships is therefore essential. Weekly Horoscope Forecasts for WC 3rd October 2022 please see below...

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March - 20 April

With Mercury just getting back on track, it pays to look into things more deeply than you might, Aries. It's wise to check for any errors, and give yourself more time for deadlines. Yet as the week gathers pace, progress is possible. A Full Moon in your sign reaches its peak this weekend. Feelings can ramp up and may become passionate. Love and romance could be in the air.  

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Taurus 21 April - 21 May

Keen to get a relationship back on track? If matters between you have been a tad sensitive over recent weeks, things may be about to change. If you feel ready to hold a heart-to-heart chat, this might bring about the healing you're looking for. You'll need to be honest though. No holding back! The Full Moon encourages you to enjoy a respite, as you need time to get your bearings.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

Keep up with the decluttering, as you'll soon realize what a difference this is making to your life. If you're hemmed in with needless paper and junk, it will be affecting your ability to think clearly and be creative. If you haven't used something in a while, sell it or recycle it. Get ready for a romantic weekend too. The Full Moon can find you and another enjoying the passion.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

With Mercury still finding its way forward, take extra care with any deals or negotiations you have on the go. It's worth asking a few extra questions, and making sure everything is up to the mark. The Full Moon in a prominent zone over the weekend, could put you in the spotlight Cancer. Want to promote your idea or business or stand out from the crowd? Now is the time!

Leo 24 July - 23 August

The Sun and Venus in your sector of communication, suggest you're on a roll and in a position to make great headway. Both personal and business discussion will proceed smoothly, and you'll have the co-operation of others. The Full Moon in Aries, can find you very excited about new possibilities. A big opportunity may show up that you won't want to miss. Make it your own!

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

If you've recently experienced a setback, things may begin to change for the better over the coming week or so. With Mercury your guide planet forging ahead, you can begin to unravel any troublesome threads and find answers to issues that have bothered you. Mind, the Full Moon encourages you to let go of anything that is holding you back. Once done, you won't regret it.

Libra 24 September - 23 October

This week you'll get a chance to celebrate being you, the things you love to do and the people who mean so much to you. The Sun continues in your sign along with lovely Venus, so you really are at your best. Don't waste this opportunity, especially as the weekend Full Moon highlights the positive elements of a romance, friendship or a business connection, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

It's time to rest up and take stock, as the emphasis on a private and spiritual zone continues. But with Pluto your guide planet turning direct, you'll also find your sense of authority increases and your words have more power. The Aries Full Moon might be a call to reorganize your schedule and jettison anything that doesn't work for you. Also, enjoy some self-care when you can, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

With a bit of clever thinking, you could get the opportunity you've been hoping for. If you've given up hope recently, you may be surprised at how things start to come together, especially with Mercury now forging ahead. Just one more push, and you can secure it. The Full Moon in Aries this weekend might enhance romance. Whatever your relationship status, life is sizzling.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

Powerbroker Pluto in your sign forges ahead from this week, which may help you project yourself out into the world over coming weeks and months. You'll be more assured of what you want to accomplish, so you can now go for it with all your heart. The Full Moon in your home zone, could bring some tensions to the surface. Get them out in the open, and they'll soon dissipate.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

This is a week of exciting discoveries and fabulous opportunities that are yours for the taking. And if you can resolve the issue that's thwarted your progress recently, you'll be flying high. The Full Moon in Aries could be a time of celebration. You may hear good news you've been waiting for or complete something you've been working hard at. Enjoy this moment, Aquarius!

Pisces 20 February - 20 March

The emphasis is on letting go of anything that you know has served its purpose. This can include physical clutter, Pisces. Think items related to the past that you're clinging on to for no good reason, other than you've always owned them. Emotional clutter comes into this too, so be ready to let go of old resentments and issues. The weekend Full Moon could assist in this process.

Weekly Horoscopes 3rd October 2022

Weekly Horoscopes Overview

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