Queen of Pentacles Love Tarot Meaning

Queen of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Home, family, parenthood, sensuous, reliable, loyal, caring, moving in together.

Queen of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Description

Upright Meaning

The person represented by the Upright Queen of Pentacles is a sensible soul and a dedicated parent. Family focused they have fiscal acumen. They are also quite a homebody and enjoy making their abode comfy and cosy.

Single souls need to get arty and crafty to find amour. Workshops, galleries and lectures could find you meeting a serious love prospect. If aesthetic activity doesn't appeal you can find charity begins at home when you meet someone special at a fundraising event. People who enter your life at this time are likely to be drawn to long-term serious relationships

Long-term couples can find their relationship gets an extra boost. If you fancy a romantic break together, now would be an ideal time to open up the holiday brochures. 

Reversed Meaning

The character represented by the Reversed Queen of Pentacles knows the value of money, in fact it's the only notion of 'value' they understand. They are innately selfish and love is a meaningless concept to them. Eventually money won't make them happy but they'll be utterly miserable and lonely in comfort.

If you are single and seeking someone, you are unlikely to find them hidden amongst a load of spreadsheets. If you really want to meet someone you will have to get your work and leisure time much more balanced. Even if you have a partner you need to ensure you are not using up all your energy and enthusiasm at work and then neglecting the most important person in your life. Of course, it may be that you are not in paid employment, in this case demanding offspring or caring concerns can limit the amount of time you have for love. It's time to make some space for 'me' time. Furthermore, don't let your partner present you with the pleasure of doing all the household chores, remind them that partnerships are about sharing and that includes the washing-up.

I'm professional Astrologer and Tarot reader Patrick Arundell.

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